May I?

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"Regina?" Robin calls walking into their, now shared, room. "Hmm?" Regina hums as she pokes her head out of the bathroom, drying her wet hair with a towel.

"I...uh....I was wondering if you would mind if I took Henry out of school tomorrow?" Robin asks sheepishly. "Why?" Regina stepping out of the bathroom fully, she's wearing her fluffy white bathrobe.

"I just.... There's just some things We need to talk about." Robin explains vaguely. "Okay? I guess he can miss one day, if it's really important." Regina says grabbing her pajamas. "Okay, I'll tell him." Robin smiles slightly before peaking her on the lips.

"Henry?" Robin questions standing in the doorway of the young boys room. "Yeah, Robin?" Henry looks up from his comic book. "Don't bother setting your alarm tomorrow, you're not going to school." Robin stats.

"Awesome!" Henry exclaims as Regina steps into his Room. "That doesn't mean you get to stay up, mister, you still need to go to bed in ten minutes." Regina smiles kissing her son's forehead. "Goodnight, Mom." Henry smiles, "Goodnight Robin."

"Goodnight." They both say in unison. "Hey, I'm going to check on Roland." Regina says as they walk back towards their room. "Okay." Robin smiles kissing her cheek before moves into their room.

Robin crawls into their bed and pulls out his book waiting for her to come in. Soon Regina hops into the room. She jumps onto the bed letting out a small "humf." Regina turns towards him and stares at him, placing her head in her hand. "What?" Robin asks, "I love you." Regina smiles lunging up and kissing him lips quickly.

"I love you too." Robin chuckles kissing her again, before they turn off both lamps sitting in each side table before turning back to each other. The moonlight illuminating Regina's features. "Your beautiful." Robin blurts out softly making Regina smile. "Thank you."

"Hold me?" Regina asks scooting closer to him. "Always." Robin replies wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer. He kisses the top of her head as she snuggles closer to him; her dug between his chest and chin, her arms pulled up to her chest. He rests his chin on the top of her head, "You ever wonder what it be like if we did meet in the Tavern?" Robin questions out of the blue.

"Sometimes but I don't regret my decision." Regina yawns. Robin's heart drops, "Why?" he asks half-heartedly. "Because, if I would have gone into the tavern we probably would have run away together. Which means I wouldn't have casted the dark curse and I wouldn't have Henry. And you would have never met Marian and had Roland." Regina explains.

"So, it's purely because of our children that your glad we didn't meet in the tavern?" Robin asks. "Yes, otherwise I wish I would have met you." Regina hums. "God, I love you." Robin blurts out lifting her head up and kissing her deeply.

Regina hums in approval, "I love you as well, Thief." She says affectionally.

"Henry." Robin whispers shaking the teen's shoulders. "What...?" Henry asks groggily. "It's time to get up, we're going to Granny's for breakfast. So, get ready." Robin replies.

Henry mumbles something that sounded like okay, ruiner of sleep, but Robin wasn't sure.

Once Henry was ready they headed to Granny's.

"What can I get you?" Ruby asks. "I'll take a coffee, two sugars one cream, and... Pancakes with a side of bacon and scramble eggs." Robin replies. "I'll have the same but with hot chocolate with whip cream and cinnamon on top." Henry tells the waitress. "Coming right up." Ruby says once she finishes scribbling down there orders.

"...Henry," Robin begins, "I... Uh... I was wondering... If... Uh." "Robin, take minute and gather your thoughts." Henry interrupts. Robin takes a deep breath. "I want to take your mother, Regina, To marry me and I wanted to get your blessing first. I want to know your okay with this." Robin rushes his words.

"Yes," Henry smiles before turing serious, "But only if you promise you will never leave her again; I don't want to see her hurt again." Robin nods understanding, "I don't plan on leaving her side ever again."


A/N: Part two? should I do a part two? Anyone up for a part two? comment your thoughts!

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