Does Anybody Have a Map?

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Guess who's back
Back again.
Rebecca's back
To write again.

Lmao, Sorry I haven't writing, I've just been really busy.

ANYWHO! This One-Shot is based on "Anyone Have a Map?" From Dear Evan Hansen. Where Regina wakes up one morning and realizes she doesn't know what the Hell she's doing anymore.

For the purposes of this One-Shot:
• Regina and Robin are married with three kids.
• Regina is a stay at home mom while Robin is the CEO of Sherwood Co.
• They're daughter, Arrow, is in her senior year of high school.
• Henry's in his Junior year of High school, He's the "Rebellious one" / "Bad kid"
• Roland's in his freshman year, and has severe social anxiety
• While her Relationship with Henry is the worse, Regina doesn't have a very good relationship with her children or her husband, even though she tries. (She used to have a great relationship with them but it faded as they all grew older.)


Regina gently taps on the white wood of her son's room, a basket full of his laundry tucked between her hip and hand. "Roland it's time to get up!" She calls gingerly. "I'm already up." She hears her youngest child mumble through a thin vail of sleep.

Regina grasps the golden doorknob and twists it, pushing the door open before entering. Roland sits on his bed, rubbing the sleep from his big brown orbs. His mop of curly hair messy and sucking out in ever direction, his small frame engulfed in the blue fabric of his pajama shirt, and oversized black pants.

"Have you been writing those letters to yourself?" Regina asks, setting the basket full of his clean clothes on the trunk that rests at the foot of his bed. "Dear Roland Lockesly,
This is gonna be a good day and here's why." She supplies words for his letter, as she picks up one of his shirts and starts to fold it.

"I started one...." Roland trails off, looking at his hands, as if he was embarrassed. He never liked those stupid letters. Regina places the folded shirt back into the basket, and moves herself to sit next to her son. She places her hand over his. "Those letters are important, honey they're going to help you build your confidence!" Regina gives him a sweet smile and squeezes his hands.

"I guess...."

Regina stands up, and crouches in front of her youngest son, "Can we try to have an optimistic outlook, huh?" She almost begs, grabbing his chin between her thumb and forefinger, making him look at her.

"Can we possibly buck up just enough to see the world won't fall apart? Maybe this year, decide not to give up before you've tried? This year make a new start." Regina smiles, trying to comfort her son.

Regina lights up with an idea, "Hey, I know!" She stands and turns to his dresser, grabbing one of his many colored sharpies off of it. This one was purple. "You can go around and ask the other kids to sign your cast, How about that?" She asks, placing the sharpie in his hand.

"Perfect." Roland gives her a weak smile.

"I'm proud of you already." Regina smiles at him reassuringly, placing a kiss on the top of his head.

"Oh... good." Roland almost sighs, standing up. "I'd better get ready for school." He murmurs, grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a grey shirt, before heading to the bathroom across his bedroom.

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