Shooting Star- Part 1

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A/N: =*Disclaimer* I do NOT own the Teen Titans. Thank you. Also...the...uhm... well you see...I changed stuff? The story didn't start the way it did... so uh... I'm not following any plot... The episodes you've seen... they are different from this one? PREPARE TO SEE CHANGES AND SHTUFF


*crash* *crash* *crash* *trash*

"Filthy monster, why don't you go back to your cell?" I said with gritted teeth. The monster- or Robotrash kept throwing garbage at me. I managed to dodge them all but I can't hit it.

"How do we defeat this junk? It keeps eating all the trash we give him!" Cyborg complained. He kept blasting... but no progress still.

We're currently at Jump City Park, where this lunatic showed up. He hurt a few children, but I guess they're fine now.

"Raven, contain him! I'm gonna burn this garbage." I commanded Raven. She nodded her head at me while I heard BeastBoy chuckle. We all turned our attention to him.

"Dude that was so punny!!! Hahahaha!!! ...*everybody is quietly staring* Oh right this is supposed to be serious. "

We all reverted back to what we were doing. Raven contained the monster rapidly, so I took the moment to throw a bomb at it right before the dark sphere closed. The monster and whatever chip or tech that was controlling it exploded before my eyes. We all gave a sigh of relief.

"Everybody okay?" I asked them. They all nodded their heads at me while wiping some blood off their arms.

"Damn robotic trash, he wounded me with glass shards." Raven silently told herself, it was barely audible, but I guess it was loud enough for all four of us to hear it.

"Guys did you feel that?" Cyborg suddenly stated. We were slightly confused, so none of us gave a word.

"There's something heading this way... from space. Whatever it is, it chose to head this way, at Jump City." He said while staring at his sensors, which are located at his arm.

"Raven, create a field so it won't destroy anything." I commanded. She nodded her head again before creating a force field, made out of dark magic.

It was heading straight at this direction, and it was glowing green. Whatever this is, it won't seem to do any damage at all. It's just going to crash.

As soon as it passed through the clouds in the sky, it went down very rapidly. We felt very warm, considering the fact that the falling specie was on fire and is colored green.

It crashed and released energy at the same time. The energy was enough to temporarily cut off the Jump City power source.

After some of the smoke went away, we saw a creature with glowing green eyes. It's wrists were locked inside two cylindrical alien technology that extended to half of it's arms.  We didn't utter a word. When all of the smoke were blown by the wind, we saw a girl. She had red-orange hair and a semi-metallic top and skirt blended with dark purple fabric.

She took a turn to stare at Cyborg, Raven and Beastboy, before finally giving me the longest stare. She walked to me while breathing heavily. She hasn't made any attack, so we were just getting ready. I pulled out my weapon and she seemed to stare at it for a moment, then stared at my face.  She probably realized I was thinking she would attack me, so she shook her head. She gently pushed it down, while her eyes didn't glow no more. I was convinced by her gestures that she wasn't going to attack, so I put my weapon down.

What she did next surprised me.

She held my neck before softly placing her lips on mine. I felt something flow through me to her, like an energy or something.  After a minute or so, she pulled back before quietly whispering to my ear,

"Save me... hero."

And then she fainted.


Not the end of the story, but the chapter. Sorry it's short, lol. Don't ask if I'm a Robstar fan, of course I am an otaku or fan or something. That was Robin's Point of View b.t.w.,  I'm just lazy and stuff. Idk if this is better in mobile or computer, but please do read with what satisfies you most.

I am not following any events that took place in the cartoon...or anime! ... I dunno, it's a fanfiction!!! EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS HERE IS IN MAH OWN WILL. The characters are not mine though, but the plot is. The names are not gonna be changed.

*Disclaimer: I do not, and never will, own the Teen Titans or the characters in it.


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