Shooting Stars-Part 2

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Third Person's POV

"Wh-Where am I?" the red-haired alien said softly. The place where she was in was all grey and she was covered in thick cloth. There was a beeping device she could not figure, but it synched with her heartbeat, so she left it alone.

The door opened, and a half-machine man came in. He was surprised that the alien had awoken, and it- she was staring at him.

"Hey, little lady. How're you doin? You blacked out so we brought you here." He said quickly. He was now standing in front of the hospital bed in the tower. The alien didn't utter a word and it became silent.

"I..." she muttered, "cannot understand you." From her delivery of speech, the half-machine knew she was somewhat old-fashioned, and does not have the ability to understand modern words.

'I can't talk like that. Maybe Raven could.' He thought. He awkwardly smiled at the alien, and the alien awkwardly smiled back... a gesture that was both appliable to both of them: that the situation was awkward and any statement will make it even more absurd.

The machine just put the tray on the table, which was beside the hospital bed the alien is sitting on, and they both just felt auras of awkwardness. He left without a word, and the alien was alone.

The alien was bored, so she decided to take a walk in the Tower. She couldn't leave without even thanking them. She wandered about, and looked into their pictures, and she somewhat found them lovely. A door opened, and she found herself looking into the eyes of Boy Wonder.

The team leader looked into her eyes too, and remembered the kiss she had given him. Control yourself, Robin said to himself. He doesn't have time for this kind of matter, because he knew he wasn't born a teenager, but a leader to protect, and not fall into childish things.

The room suddenly let out some kind of light, and it made the room change its colors to different shades of red.

With a sigh of exhaustion, the leader muttered :


The red haired alien understood his words perfectly. She knew this was coming yet, she is not prepared. She can sense them. They're here for her.

"Indeed, trouble is upon your planet. May I be of help? I know what they require." She said with great confidence. The team leader just looked at her, knowing that she cannot speak fluent modern english, he just nodded his head.

"Another alien species are here, and they seem to be looking for someone, they're threatening the planet." Cyborg said.

"They are looking for me." The alien said sadly.

"Why are they looking for you?" Raven asked. She too, was curious about the situation.

"Our planet was at war, in order to make peace with the enemy, the queen of my planet...'sold' me. Now I am their...prize, &...prisoner." She said sadly. Everyone looked at her with sympathy, but there was trouble, and that's what they had to face.

"These aliens have to be stopped, or else they'll wipe out half of the Earth's inhabitants!" Robin shouted in annoyance.

"But we don't even know their systems there, I need a blueprint if that's the case." Cyborg stated, increasing their cautiousness. Then it hit them, the one who knew about those aliens, the ship, everything, was in fact, the other alien behind them.

They all took a turn to look at the alien who was listening very carefully to their conversation.

"What do you require of me?" She said, clueless.

The team leader rubbed the back of his neck and prepared himself for speech.

Quickly, he said: "We require of you to...uhhh... How do I say we need your help to defend Earth from those.... aliens... no not you... but the aliens who captured you, right." He mumbled and stumbled upon his choice of words, which the alien found funny.

"You need not to speak the way I do, I can understand your wording, except some...metaphors." She stated briefly.

"Do you have any idea what the ship looks like? Its guards? Their weapons???" Robin asked her, she nodded.

"The ship is large,& numerous. The control is at the center of each. Their guards use weapons that produces electricity, and may harm you with electric shock and kill you in an instant." The alien said softly, but leaving them all with great fear.

The team leader sensed it, he knew they were all scared. He can tell.

"Hey...we're a team remember? We work as one and not on our own. If those aliens threaten us, we fight back, no matter what. So who's with me?" He asked.

"I'm with." Beastboy said.

"Me too." Raven followed.

"Me three." Cyborg said which made them laugh a bit.

The alien quietly stared at them. She's been hestitating to join, for she is not part of the group. She was only here for help. The team leader knew this, so he looked at her, smiled in a way she found sweet, and he asked:

"Would you like to join?" He said while reaching out his hand to her. She looked at him, hestitated, before fully grabbing his hand.

"AARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!" He suddenly shouted which caught all their attention. His team members glared at the alien, suspicious of what she did.

"Why Robin? What happened?" Raven asked, while slowly pushing the alien away from him. Robin hushed them, awkwardly smiled while in pain, and spoke:

"I forgot her powers are super strength & flight. I should have saw that coming." He mumbled to himself, but loud and clear enough for everyone to hear.

"Am I not gentle?" the alien asked.

Beeping was heard, and the half machine spoke, "I just finished scanning her. In her level, unlike us, her grabbing your hand like that is normal."

"Then how much strength do I apply???" the alien asked, not stopping till she gets answers.

"It'll be better if you apply none." Raven mumbled in a sassy way, but unrecognizable for the alien.

After a few minutes of healing Robin's hand, everyone was ready. Ready to fight.

Determined, Robin spoke, "Okay, everyone, here's the plan. Listen carefully...."

...Author's note:

Thank you for reading this. I uhhh... dunno my readers? So please leave a comment if it's horrible or nah. I don't need a vote tho, my only purpose here is to write a story.

With love, and potatoes, KawaiiAnimeOtaku.

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