Celebrating Phils one million subscribers

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A/N - hey guys, sorry I didn't write this earlier on. I was camping all week and had no Internet or signal (it was hell). But I'm back (for now) and I hope you enjoy this imagine :)

You lay on Phils bed trying to cool down slightly, the hot weather was getting annoying now, you just want to be sweat free. Phil had wandered off into the lounge a while ago and you are too hot to put in the effort to get up and follow him. Dan walks into the room and says "Hey Phi- oh hi y/n! Where's Phil?" You're just about to reply when you hear Phil shout "ohmygod" and then hear him charging up the stairs. Dan stumbles out the way as Phil runs into the room and finally stops, panting, but with a huge grin on his face.

Turning to Dan you say "here he is" and then you look at Phil and say "what's up babe? Something good happen?" Phils grin grows wider and he says "yes! I reached 1,000,000 subscribers! Can you believe it?" You jump up off the bed and shout "ohmygod Phil that's amazing! I'm so happy for you" and then you almost knock him over when you fling at him for a hug. Phil chuckles as he regains his balance and then says "I'm so happy!" Turning to Dan he says "isn't it just amazing Dan?"

Dan who had been silently grinning up until now looks at Phil and says "it's really amazing! I'm so happy for you, look how far you've come!" You pull away from hugging Phil and Dan pulls Phil into a "bro" hug which makes you giggle to yourself. Suddenly the doorbell rings and you say "I'll get it" even though the two boys aren't paying attention to you. You decide it's best to leave them to have their bromance moment as you rush down the many flights of stairs to the door.

Flinging the door open, you see a grinning Pj and Chris who say their hellos and then walk into the apartment before running upstairs to find Phil. Watching their retreating bodies, you know tonight's going to be like when Dan hit 1 million subscribers. Smiling to yourself, you wander back upstairs to where the boys are, giving them time to celebrate in their own friendly ways. You walk back into the room to instantly be pulled into Phil who starts kissing you, when he finally pulls away, you murmur breathlessly "what was that for?" Phil smiles a lopsided grin before saying "I'm just grateful for everything right now, especially you!" He says as he pokes your nose with his finger. Giggling, you peck your boyfriend on the lips and then say "right who's up for a celebration?" The other 3 guys cheer and walk out the room chattering about whether they need to buy food and drinks, turning to Phil, you smile and say "don't you want to celebrate babe" he grins back and says "of course I do, but I want a few moments alone with my beautiful girlfriend, who I couldn't ever replace, first." Smiling happily you say "I hope that's true, I wouldn't want to lose you" you walk towards him and then kiss him gently. Phil stares into your eyes, his beautiful blue orbs staring into yours, and whispers "I love you y/n" happily you whisper back "I love you Phil" then you softly add "I'm so proud of you baby." Suddenly music starts playing downstairs making Phil giggle his adorable laugh causing him to stick his tongue out the corner of his mouth, he happily says "lets go celebrate" before grabbing your hand and pulling you downstairs where the boys were already celebrating.

A/N - sorry for the crappy ending, I just can't do endings -.- anyway I hope this was a satisfactory imagine for the amount of time I've been away, I love you all and thinks for sticking with this book and being patient. Also I wrote a new book, it's kinda a fantasy and Romance. It's has nothing to do with Dan or Phil but I'd appreciate you checking it out, just click this link: http://wattpad.com/story/4596346?utm_content=share_reading&utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link

- Catrin x

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