Chapter 11

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     "Come on! She has been throwing things at him for an hour." Cain said to Lisa. They were waiting outside so Jackson could talk to Claire. "We have to be patient." Lisa said sitting down drinking coffee calmly. "How can you be so calm?!" Cain yelled. "You can't be loud if you want to hear them." Lisa commented.

     Claire pick up another water bottle and threw it at Jackson. She wouldn't pick up anything breakable. "How dare you trick me into marrying you!" She said throwing a bottle of hotel shampoo. "Now are you going to turn me into one of you?! Or are you going to suck me dry?!" She threw a bottle of conditioner. She ran out of things to throw.

     She looked in the bathroom cabinets and spotted bars of soap. She started throwing them. "Are you going to kill me!" Jackson had to calm her down. He dodged the rest of the things she threw with lightning speed and manage to grab her wrist. "Let go of me monster!" Claire shouted.

     "Claire." He said. "I hate you! Let go of me! I hate you!" Claire screamed. "So what now?! Your just going to leave! What about being together forever?! We didn't get married for nothing!" Jackson yelled. Claire stood frozen. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

     She bowed her head. "When we was on the dance floor, I said all them things, because I knew this would happen that I would have to tell you one day. I now know that you really didn't mean together forever. We're getting a divorce." Claire looked at him stunned he said the words so coldly. The door flew open. "What?!" Cain yelled. "What do you mean divorce?!" "I'm not going to make her marry me! When she thinks I'm a monster!" Jackson yelled back.

     Jackson walked past Cain to exit out the room. Cain followed him. Claire cried quietly. "I can't believe how stupid you are." Lisa said. Claire looked at her. "You love him and he love you. Claire your so fucking dumb that I don't even want to look at you."  Claire couldn't believe what she was hearing.

     "Your so dumb to let the fear get in the way of your marriage. Jackson doesn't even deserve you." Lisa said. "H - how could you say that?" Claire sobbed. "Claire your acting dumb. I know you don't want a divorce, but your letting your fear get in the way. You either wait for a divorce or you get your sorry ass out there and go fix things." Lisa was right. Claire thought. Claire didn't want her marriage to end with Jackson.

     Jackson was the best thing that happen to her, and she wasn't gonna let her fear get in the way. When she went in the living room Cain was on the couch with a mad expression on his face. "Where's Jackson?" She said. "Oh if it isn't the Vampire Queen!" He said sarcastically. Cain flashed his fangs then said, "Go to hell." "Cain!" Lisa shouted.

     Cain shrugged and went to find a guest bedroom. Claire headed for the door. Jackson was down the hall in the elevator. "Jackson! Wait! Please!" Claire begged. Jackson stepped out before it could close.

     "Jackson, I'm so sorry! I should have never reacted like that. I was just scared." Jackson had no expression on his face. "Can we get to the room? I don't want anyone in our business." He said. He still was acting the same way when he left. They made it to the room. Claire turned around.

     "I'm going to bed." Jackson said cutting her off. He walked passed her and shut the bedroom door. "Lisa. I really messed up." "Don't look at me. You have to fix this on your own." Lisa got up and walked to the room were Cain was. Claire sighed. She headed towards the bedroom.

     Claire was laying in the bed beside Jackson. He wasn't sleep, but he wouldn't face her. Claire got out of bed. She went on the other side were Jackson was facing. She got and bed and laid on his chest.

     "Claire." Jackson said pulling her off. Claire didn't know what else to do. So she kissed him. He wouldn't budge. It took a while before she felt him try to pull her off again.

     "Jackson I love you. I do want to be with you forever. There will be no divorce. We will stay together no matter what." Jackson stopped. Claire looked deep in his eyes and he looked back. Jackson pulled Claire close. They kissed. They kissed passionately.

     "I love you too!" Jackson said. He kissed her on the forehead. That night Claire did sleep with warmth. Jackson held Claire close while they slept. She was not going to let him go anywhere.

     Claire woke up to a bright sunny morning. She felt nauseous. She ran to the bathroom. She made it just in time to vomit in the toilet. Jackson stood in the doorway.

     "Are you alright?" Jackson asked rubbing her back. "Yeah." She answered with a smile. "Come on breakfast is here." Jackson said kissing her forehead. Jackson and Claire walked out if the room. "Good morning!" Lisa chimed.

     "Claire looks like your stomach is getting bigger." Lisa said and came to put her hand on her stomach. Claire looked down it did seem a little rounder. "Please don't touch it." Cain whined. Lisa laughed. Claire raised an eyebrow.

     "Cain doesn't like touching pregnant stomachs." Cain frowned. "I think its rude." Lisa laughed. "Also it's just weird, especially when the baby is kicking. Why do you need to touched it? It like your trying to reach into her stomach and touch the baby." Cain made a disgusted face. Everyone laughed. "Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. Come on so we can eat." "Don't forget we have to go out to get something." Jackson reminded Cain.

     Jackson looked at Claire to see if she would ask what. She didn't. Claire already knew what they were talking about. Or assumed. Blood.

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