Chapter 2

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I woke up to find myself tied up to a chair. I looked around the room and it was a small dark room with a light in the middle of it. There was water dripping from the ceiling and I could hear the rats crawling. I sat in the center of the room with my hands and feet tied to the chair and duct tape around my mouth.

The door opened and I winced at the bright light and in came that dude that kidnapped me. What was his name? Ryder? No Ryan!

"Oh good your up." Ryan said while making his way over to me. I started wiggling around trying to get out but failed miserably.

He saw this and chuckled. "Oh sweetheart you won't be able to get loose." I gave up and glared at him.
"Oh honey stop glaring you couldn't harm a kitten."

Right now he was pissing me the fuck off. The room fell silent until Ryan sighed "I'm going to take the duct tape off don't make any noise or you will be punished." He ripped the duct tape off very quickly and I couldn't help but yelp.

Ryan raised his hand and backhanded me. "What did I say about making any noise?!" Ryan yelled. "Don't make any noise or you will be punished." I mocked making my voice deep as possible.

I saw his shocked face he didn't think I would say that. Honestly I surprised myself. I never talk back. The shocked left his face and now it's just pure anger.

You can tell he was pissed he had veins popping out on his head and his face was redder than a tomato. "I told you if you spoke you will be punished."

Oh god. This is not how i thought I would die. I'm going to die. Just breathe I told my self. You are not going to die.

I looked up at Ryan and saw his fist coming at my face. He hit my jaw and it hurt so fucking much. No doubt its broken. He then punched my nose and I heard a cracking noise. "P-please... s-stop." I stuttered. But he didn't listen to me.

He backhanded me and busted my lip open. I can taste the blood in mouth. It made my stomach churn. I felt tears come down my face as he punched me in the gut. I was breathless he literally knocked the breath out of me.

"Please stop.." I sobbed out. I was in so much pain and I didn't know how much more I can take of it.

He doesn't say anything, just looks at me while I cry my eyes out begging him to stop. "Shut the hell up!! You fucking deserve this!"  I wince at how loud his voice is. He continues to hit me and he eventually started to kick me.

I tasted bile in my mouth and started to cough up blood. All I remember is seeing his fist coming down on my face again and blood flying everywhere.


"Wake up!" A voice yelled. I slowly opened my eyes but quickly shut them because of the bright light. I groaned at all the pain I was feeling.

I finally opened my eyes and looked around the room. My eyes landed on Ryan. As soon as I saw him I remembered everything. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, at least not in front of Ryan. I glared at him.

He grinned "I see you remember everything." I wanted to smack that fucking grin off his face. " What the hell do you want from me?!" I yelled in annoyance.

"Why ask a question when you already know the answer to it?" Huh? What the fuck is he- oh wait! The Mafia. Wait.. MAFIA!! He seemed to notice that I remembered and smirked.

"Why did you kidnap me to work for the damn Mafia??" I screamed. "Oh honey, I forgot you don't know a damn thing about this and your father." He walked closer to me and kneeled down until he was in front of my face.

" You see, I am the boss of the Mafia. I've been the boss for quite some time. It's always fun to see these lost girls get kidnapped and drug here. They're always scared at first but after awhile they are fine with everything. It's amusing how desperate these bitches want me to fuck them." He said smugly like he is the king or something.

"What does that have to do with me!?" I yelled in annoyance. He is getting on my last nerves. His eyes narrowed at me "Do you wanna repeat of what happened a couple of hours ago?" He yelled in anger. I shook my head pathetically.

"Good. Now as you now as a boss you need some employers to help with the job. Your father was my left hand man. He was the best one I had. Until, he met your mother and they had you! He then slacked on his work and costed me a lot of money because he would screw a drug run up." I was to shocked to say anything. My father, as in Jack Carter, worked for the Mafia.

How did he cost him a lot of money??

"You are probably wondering how he costed me a lot of money. Well, you see one night me and the gang where doing a usual drug run. Just as we were getting reading to give the people their cocaine the cops came. I told Jack to take the cocaine and hide it somewhere near until the cops left. He ran off with the cocaine and we all fled before the cops could get us. I called him to meet up and bring the cocaine but turns out he threw the cocaine into a river near by. He then thought he could quit. Do you know once you join the Mafia the only way you can get out is if you die."

I froze at his words. My dad died. He was in the Mafia and wanted out "once you join the Mafia the only way you can get out is if you die" I kept repeating that over and over.

Ryan noticed that I wasn't do good right now trying to grasp all this new information and left but not before saying, "Tomorrow you will start as a new member of the Mafia."

Once he left I slowly drifted to sleep in that ridiculously uncomfortable chair thinking about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.

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