A Skeleton of Skele-fun

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Your eyes slowly opened as you struggled to wake up. "What time is it?" You ask yourself, stretching the sleep from your limbs. 'What day is it?' You wondered as you looked at your calendar (do they even have those in the underground??) Rubbing your (E/C) eyes, you hopped out of your bed and went over to your kitchen door. Opening it and flicking the light switch on, you meandered your way over to the fridge. On the middle of your freezer door, was a picture of you and your friends. Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, Frisk, you, Sans, Toriel, Mettaton and the king. You felt a shiver go up your spine when you remember the king trying to take your soul. "Toriel wouldn't let him though, it was still funny how she acted around him" you chuckled as you opened your fridge. It was a sad sight for your hungry belly, for there wasn't much. Sighing, you closed it and you walked back to your room. "Looks like I have to go to Tem village, I really hate it there" you muttered as you got dressed to go there. (A/N: sorry if you like Temmies, I don't) "Why does that have to be the closest village?" you asked yourself as you trudged there slowly.
Time skip~~
"Hoi, I'm Temmie. What does yous wanna but from my tem store?" Temmie asked as I approached the box that was the 'counter'(I think thats how they talk?? Idk I haven't played the game). You rolled your (E/C) eyes and said "Can I have some tem flakes please?" The temmie nodded and handed you the tem flakes. You paid for them and almost ran out of there. While you munched on the tem flakes, you pondered what to do. "I guess I could got see the skeleton brothers" you said shrugging as you began your journey to Snowdin.
Time skip again~~
Snowdin's cold frigid air whipped around your face as you made your way up to the skele-bros (I think that's the abbreviation?) home. Knocking quickly, you waited for someone to open the door. You sat there and waited for at least 20 mins. Irritation and cold seeped into your bones. Knocking again loudly you final hear someone shout "I AM COMING HANG ON!" About a minute later, a tall skeleton opened the door wearing a chef's hat. "AHH (Y/N) NICE TO SEE YOU. FRISK AND I WERE JUST MAKING SOME SPAGETTI. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP?" Papyrus asked you, Frisk waving from the kitchen entrance. "Sure Pap. I would love to" you responded, happy to help the duo and get out of the cold. "WONDERFUL. THE I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL GET ANOTHER APRON FOR YOU! NYEHEHE!" Papyrus shouted, bouncing excitedly back to the kitchen, his human companion following. You smiled, walking in and closing the door. "Hey Papy, where's Sans. He usually opens the door when you're cooking, doesn't he?" You asked the tall figure while tying the apron on over your jeans. "YES... BUT BOTHER SAID HE WAS GOING TO GRILLBY'S OR HE WOULD OF OPENED THE DOOR" he told you as he helped Frisk onto the counter to cook. Time seemed to fly by with the duo as they made the pasta, Papyrus attempting to put foods that weren't eat able in it. You laughed as Frisk continued shaking his head 'no' to stop the skeleton. It wasn't until around 5:30 Sans came home. "Hey Papy, I'm home" he called out. Papyrus smiled and said, really loudly, "AHH BROTHER YOU HAVE RETURNED FROM GRILLBY'S I SEE. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SPAGETTI THAT I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, FRISK AND (Y/N) HAVE BEEN MAKING ALL DAY?" Sans popped his head in the kitchen and said "(y/n)? When did you come over?" You smiled at the short skeleton. "Around noon I believe" you said. Frisk nodded his head up and down as he held out a plate of the pasta. "Heh, hey (y/n), what do you call the other spaghettis?" Sans asked you. You blushed a bit and shrugged your shoulders. "They're impastas" he chuckled to himself. You and Frisk giggled but Papyrus wasn't amussed. "SANS! NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR JOKES! NOW IS THE TIME TO EAT!" he shouted at his older brother.

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