A skeleton of fun... Again?

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You walked to the skeletons' home, a sense of deja vú coming to you. You had gone to grab something to eat before you left, only to find it empty again. "I know I didn't eat all my food in 2 days... that's odd.." you mumbled as you approached the door of the skeletons' home. Cold frigid air blew around you as you knocked and waited... and waited.... and waited some more. Your right (E/C) eye began to twitch in irritation, cold seeping into your body until you saw the door open. You were greeted with a smile from the tall, royal guard skeleton. "AHH (Y/N) NICE TO SEE YOU. FRISK AND I WERE JUST MAKING SOME SPAGETTI. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP?" Papyrus asked you, Frisk waving from the kitchen entrance. You hesitantly nodded "Sure.. Sounds fun. "WONDERFUL. THE I THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL GET ANOTHER APRON FOR YOU! NYEHEHE!" Papyrus shouted, bouncing excitedly back to the kitchen. You looked at Frisk. "Frisk... what did you do...?" You asked quietly so the skeleton in the next room wouldn't hear. Frisk looked at you and frowned softly. "I was afraid you would remember... I'll explain it later.." he said sadly before walking into the kitchen. You followed, closing the door to the freezing outside. "SANS WILL BE BACK FROM GRILLBY'S SHORTLY (Y/N)!" Papyrus said as you walked in, handing you an apron. Papyrus lifted Frisk onto the counter so he could help as well. Time flew by until 5:30 when the short skeleton came home.  "Hey Papy, I'm home" he called out. Papyrus smiled and said, really loudly, "AHH BROTHER YOU HAVE RETURNED FROM GRILLBY'S I SEE. WOULD YOU LIKE SOME SPAGETTI THAT I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, FRISK AND (Y/N) HAVE BEEN MAKING ALL DAY?" Sans popped his head in the kitchen and said "(y/n)? When did you come over?" You saw Sans, and tears welled in your eyes 'SANS!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? WHY DID YOU JUST VANISH LIKE THAT?' Your mind screamed at you, begging to ask, but you wiped your eyes and started calmly "around noon." Frisk nodded and held out a plate of spaghetti for Sans. "Heh, hey (y/n), what do you call the other spaghettis?" Sans asked you as he took the plate. You looked down slightly and whispered "impastas..." Sans looked at you and saw a few stray tears in your eyes and looked at Frisk who looked to the floor. "Hey Pap.. Why don't you go take a plate of this delicious grub to Undyne... the kid, (Y/N) and I need to have a chat" Sans said as his eyes went dark. Papyrus agreed, happy to show his teacher, and ran out the door.. leaving you to discuss why you had a bad case of deja vù..

Dun dun daaaaaaa! Hope everyone enjoys this part.. if you're wondering.. I did copy some original chapter 1 text.. much easier than flipping back and forth from it to this chapter. Enjoy ~Lightning

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