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It was one normal day at school. Everyone still thought I was wearing color contacts because my eyes where an unnatural fire red. When I saw the new boy, I froze staring at him because his where ocean blue. A shiver ran through me. I had a bad feeling about this. When he noticed me starring at him he gave me a dirty look but, then his eyes widdened with curiosity when he saw the color of my eyes. Seeing this I turned around as quickly as I could, grabbed my stuff and walked to class. Of course he was in the same class as me. He came over to me and said "Hey, whats your name?" Oh good now he's asking me questions but he would think something's up if I didn't tell him my name so I simply said "Emily" he looked at me and nodded his head and said "I'm Martice. How old are you?" I knew he would ask me more questions "thirteen" Martice smiled and said " me too." Then I heard a man's voice say "How do you like the new kid, Emily?" I spun around to see our teacher, Mr. Ryan. "Umm.." I said tapping my lip and looking up then I looked back and said "I hate him he is horrible." A frown grew on Martice's face. I laughed "I'm joking" I said lightly punching his shoulder. He rolled his eyes at me then Mr Ryan unlocked the class door and we whent in. After school I whent straight home. My parents weren't home yet so I whent into the bathroom to wash my face and think over my day. I turned on the water and put my hands under it but instead of going into my hands it turned into steam. I turned off the water and tried it again, the same thing happened. I furged it was the faucet getting messed up so I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. When I turned on the TV it was on the news channel. I was about to change it but I heard some thing that made me look up. I couldn't have heard that right. But I did the was was a picture of Martice on the screen and under it it said WANTED. The next day I stayed home from school to find out about Martice. I called the school in told them I was sick, but I also asked " is Martice here today?" I heard the man on the other side of the phone chuckle and say "didn't you hear on the news. He's wanted they didn't say why though. Hey ..." I cut him off by hanging up the phone. I had to find out happened. I grabbed a backpack filled it with waters and food. When I was done I ran to the woods but there was a river going all around it."don't Do it" I heard a voice say the voice was whispery then I heard another voice say "its to dangerous" then I heard more and more voices but there was no one around. This wasn't here a few days ago when I whent for a walk in the woods I steped into the water it was cold muddy and deep. Then my foot started to tingle and the water evaporated. I looked down because there was a glow when the steam faded I saw my foot was on white fire some how it didn't hurt. Then everything whent black. When I awoke I was not in the water like I had supected I would be but I was in the woods. Was I dead? No. My hair and clothes wouldn't be soaked and my head wouldn't hurt. I stood up"Why are you here?" I tried to turn around but they grabbed my shoulder and put something sharp agianst my back "Why are you here" is this.. "Martice is that you?" He slowly moved the sharp object from my back and said "Wait I know you. Emily?" I noded my head "so your like me but the opposite to." He let go of my shoulder. "Why is there a river around these woods and what do you mean i'm like you?" He turned me around to face him. "This" with a smirk growing on his face. He held up his hand and with a flick of his wrist he was holding water. I opened my mouth to scream but he saw this jumped foward and a scond later there was a layer of water cover around my mouth "no screaming" he said "or this will happen "and It will not put just me but you in danger too." he took the water from covering my mouth made it bigger and before I could realize what was happening he dumped the water on my head. One of his eyebrows whent up I looked where he was starring. My mouth gapped I had a bushy tail with white fire on the tip and orange red fire on the rest. Every thing around me whent up in steam when the steam clered I realized I was dry. "Ok Martice tell me what going on" he raised his eyehrows. "You really don't know whats going on do you." Is he dumb!? "Of corse I don't know whats going on" Martice turned around "I'll be right back." Martice ran down moved the river out of the way ran through then came back with my backpack. Oh yeah I almost frogot about it. "Martice time to explain" I said. Liqua nooded "yeah" he paused and looked around "but not right now kitty" before I had time to react he grabbed my arm and ran. "Why did you have to come with me, you were keping your power hidden so well you didn't even know you had them." By then my tail had disappeared so who or what we were running from didn't know i had any powers. Oh no a net was about to come down on top of us. I pushed Liqua out of the way better one than two. "Wh..." he stoped talking when he saw the net coming down. It crashed down on top of me the holes in the net were big enough for a small squirrel to fit out of. I heard men yelling "we got one of 'em." There was a blinding glow. Before I could figure out what the glow was from the men came over. "You idiot!" The first man that came over yelled. I turned head away and closed my eyes then I heard the first man yell "thats not person you dimwit!" I opened my eyes and turned my head back around " Thats a fox! We all thought the boy was running away from us when he was probaly running away from the stupid fox!! He probaly didnt even know we were there" Another man came into view and said "what'll we do with her Jake?" he was obviously talking about me. "Go over put your hand up to the net and see if she bites or growles at you if she doesn't let her go" and he did so but instead of growling or biting him I wimpered and backed away. After he held his hand there for a while I slowly inched foward and rubbed my head on his hand "I'm letting her go Jake she seems fine" he slowly lifted the net off of me. I ran away from the area and followed the way Liqua took. Eventually I found Liqua sitting on a log with his eyes closed and his forehead leaning on one hand when he notised me he made a shooing motion and said "go away you dumb animal im in a bad mood. Instead of leaving I moved closer and flicked my tail hopping it would turn to the tail with flames I had elier and fortuenly if worked. Liqua's mouth gaooed he got off of the log kneeled and hugged me "I thought they killed you. How did you get into your animal form?" I tried to see if I could still speak english "I need to get home and tell my mom I'm ok." He noded so he must under me so I continued "but I don't know how to turn back into a person." He looked confused and said " then why don't you try mediating and thinking about your human self?" Ok hopefully this works I did as he said and changed back Into human form but it took a few minutes. I tried doing the same thing but thinking about the Fox and like before it worked. "Have you ever noticed you heard voices when no one is there?" Martice asked I had of course. "Only just when I was coming to the woods" I said
He nodded his head then said "go home now but go into your fox form and stay in your fox form until you get to your backyard then turn into your human form. Got it?" I noded. Then (in my fox form of course) I ran through the woods to the river. I looked around for Martice then I heard a sloshing sound of water and saw that the water moved out of my way. I ran out of the woods then I saw a black figure. It wasn't human an animal of some sort it stepped out of the shaddows and I saw it was a pitch black wolf even his eyes were black. "I've got something to show you" the wolf barked. The wolf started walking off so I followed him intopart of the woods that i have never seen before. "Hello sweety" the wolf said I started to wonder if following him was a bad idea. Then another black wolf came out from behind the bushes this wolf looked just like the other one except this wolf had purple eyes instead of black. This wolf lunged at me and before I had time to react this wolf was on me. I tried to make a high pitch yelp but the wolf was holding my neck so I couldn't make a loud sound or breath properly. The other wolf with black eyes came up to me and started scratching up my whole body. The purple eyed wolf pushed down on my neck harder. Everything around me started to spin and lose color around me. I started to get disser and disser then the world whent black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ please give this book a chance this is my first book.

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