Finding Martice but....

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I finally found Martice sitting on a log in with his head In his hands the midde of the woods. He was mumbling something along the lines of " I lost her..... just when I found her I lost her!

Ugh!" He stood up and turned around red faced. When he saw me it felt like time was standing still wating for one of us to do something. After a few seconds of starring at me he ran at me and hugged me. "Im glad to see you too." I said he  pulled away and smiled at me and said " I thought I lost you again.." I smiled back at him but a thought made my smile drop "again...?" I saw a look of horror flash through his eyes. "I didn't say again silly." I made my tone deeper and meaner "tell me. I know what role I play now I know about Angelena and I think I know about you.... brother... " now neither of us were smiling the happy reunion time was over. "I...." he trailed off "how did you find out?"

He asked I gave him a dirty look and said "the real question is why weren't you going to tell me?!" I started to storm off and changed into my fox form. I started running but I could tell

Martice was following me so I shifted back Into my human form and made a fire ball form in my hand. "Can't you leave me alone! Don't you under stand I don't want to talk you or be near you right now!"

I yelled my voice filled with anger with the angrier I got the hotter the flame got and eventually it was a white flame.

Martice backed up and put his hands up and turned around then he left. Jeez doesn't he know when to stop. But I know he did say again. "Martice!!!" I yelled and he came running back. "Let me guess you found out that you were wrong and you were hopping I'd forgive you."

Wow he really is dumb. "Acually no I came here to tell you I would forgive you if you tell me two things. One why didn't you tell me you're my brother and two why did you say again?" He rolled his eyes "I told you I didn't say again! And with not telling you I was your brother because I thought it would be safer for you ok!" That little liar wait I know there's something else but I don't know what. I made a forcefeild ball shooting it at Martice. He tried to side step it but he cought in it all the same.

Wow I didn't know i could do that. Martice's eyes widened I said "i know theres something else! Let me gues, you thought I wasent good enough. And accually tell me what you mean by again." He sighed and said "fine. This happened a long time ago you were just two then and I was five. I was told to protect you from Angelena's parents but at the time we were living on the streets. We were walking down Elmore street and her parents came out of the showodows and her dad tackled me down and her mom took you away and that was the last I saw of you untill a few days ago."

I heard the most sickening laugher it was filled with hate and it sounded like it was coming from everywere but nowhere. I quickly realised Martice out of the ball and I could tell by the look of shock on Martices face that it wasn't a person I would like.
"Wasn't that a sad little story." The mysterious voice said.  Then Martice said "Leave now she knows everything and you can't do anything to change that."

"Or really Martice" the voice said. After they said that a lady jumped down from the trees. The lady had brown eyes and light brown hair. She was wering a green shirt and brown pants.

"Angelena" I heard Martice whisper. "Who's Angl...." my eyes windened in realization. This was the lady that would stop at nothing to gain power. This was the lady that would kill everyone and destroy everything in her way.

She looked so nice and freindly but looks can be deceiving. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the ground started to shake. Rock started shooting out of the ground around me forming a cage around me.

The cage started to lift of the ground. Well now we know that Angelena has the element of earth.

"Say nighty night" Genevieve said holding a rock. The only thing I heard before the rock hit my head and I blacked out was Martice yelling " NO! LET HER GO!!!"

Martices P.O.V 

     As Genevieve shot the rock at Emily's head I shot water at the rock but the but the rock hit her head and right as that happened the water missed the rock. Rage bolliled up inside of me when I saw Angelena take the cage away. I lost my little sis. Again, but something was different this time, I wouldn't give up and fell sad for myself, this time nothing would get in the way of me finding my little sis.

CLIFF HANGER!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry this update took so long i'll try to update more often.

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