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Genevieve P.O.V

That little brat what's her name Ember? Whatever her name is she got in my way and nobody gets in my way anybody that get in my pays the price. And that little brat got in my way the most. If you get kiddnapped and are odoped and don't know you have powers stay that way! That little narsistic brat!! I wish she never met Martice. We thought that a little boy on his own in the streets would die or at least we hoped. I rember that day perfectly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was wating in the behind the bulding with my mom and dad beside me. "Stay here." My dad said to me. "Don't make a noise and try not to get seen." I didn't understand what was happning at the time. "We'll be right back sweety" my dad said rubbing my head. My mom looked at my dad and nodded then my dad nodded back and they silently left.

I watched as my dad tackled a boy around my age with blue eyes and short brown hair. My dad held him down as my mom grabbed a little girl looking around the age of 3 with red eyes and sholder high brown curly hair. The girl was creepy with those red eyes that looked like they could stare into your soul and kill you. It gave me shivers thinking about it. My mom came over and my dad got off the boy and put an invisibilty spell on me the girl my mom and my dad so the boy couldn't follow us. "EMILY" he yelled. So that was her name. Emily.

Once we got back to our house our dad took off the invisiblty spell. I went over to him and asked why we needed the girl and he said "because that little boy stole her and she wasen't safe with him."

I just nodded. I walked over to the living room to hear my mom was singing a luliby to the little girl. After Emily fell asleep I went over to my mom and asked "What are we going to do with her mommy?" She smiled at me and replied " We are going to take her to an orphanage so she can get a family."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flashback over~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I cant belive I almost wanted to be friends with her. My child self descucts me. I wish my parents would not say that they are to old and will break there hip or something if they help me. After all there the ones who started it all. We should have kept her the whole time telling her that she was part of our family.

I heard a grumble and looked over at Ember. I made the cage go away. She started to sit up. I ran over to her. "Are you ok Ember?" I asked in the nicest tone I could do. She turned her head to me and I saw something I only heard about in books myths and legends ever her...

Emilys POV

"Emily" I said " not Ember. Anyway why are you being nice to me? Don't you just want to kill me so you can have the throne?" Its so hard to concentrate right now my head feels so strand. It hurts but it dosen't just hurt. I don't know how to describe it. Angelena looked at me sorrowfully and said "it was Martice that took you little sis. Please don't let his words trick you" ummm. I'll act like I trust her but Martice and that air lady told me not to. That's two against one.

"Ok. I trust you."I said "but do you know who those man wolf shifters are? " she smiled an apoligetic smile and said "those were werewolfs. I'm sorry they were my men. There must have been a misunderstanding because I told them to not harm you. One of them might have threatend the others to do what he said." I raised an eyebrow at this "but the one that was supervising me was the biggest and meanest. He also said he got orders from his boss to bring me there. And when I asked who his boss is he said no more questions."

James POV (purple eyed werewolf)

I feel really bad for kiddnapping that girl. She looked so small and fragile too. I wish there was no such thing as Angelena. I wish she never found our pack or our mates. 'Im going to kill her for taking our mate and making us do what she says.' My wolf says. We can all constanly feel our mates being abused and tortured when we make mastakes. Like when the girl escaped I felt really bad trying to catch her. I also felt so bad scarring her like that. 'We need to track down the boy she was with I have a plan' my wolf said I just chukled and responded 'dose it envolve getting killed?' My wolf rolled his eyes. I could feel my wolf trying to gain controll. I gave him it and I could hear and feel my bones reponsing as we shifted into our wolf form. We were a jet black wolf with a cresent moon on the side of my right back leg. We started smelling for his scent and when we found it we followed it to him asleep with tear stains running down his cheeks. I shifted back and curled up on a rock close to him and eventually I fell asleep too.

I woke up to a slap on the face. I looked up to see the boy she was with. "Where's Emily" He yelled I nodded understanding why he was mad. "I can explain why I did it. I didn't want to I swear Angelena made me do it." He intrupped me saying "Shure" and rolled his eyes . "Dude I promise I'm not lying I'll tell you the whole story. I started to go down to the cells when I heard a womans voice yell "where is the Alpha!?" I mindlinked my beta and third in comand to meet me at the lady. I realised she wasent a rouge. She didn't even have wolf in her . I saw my beta and third in comand heading towards the border of our terrotry and our mates followed. "I want you to help me with some thing" she said I replied "no we have work at the pack we need to do" the ground started to shake and rock cages went around our mates. Everone inside I mindlinked the pack. "You will do as I say or there will be concences do you understand me!" I flinched feeling my mate geting hit with a rock " and so she tortured our mates if we restist or mess up" a look of shock croosed his face and he said " were is she being held.?"

"I have an idea" I said " her manshion but know one knows were it is. Trust me I want her back too she's the only one who can defeat Angelena." His eyebrows srunched up in cunfusion when I said this then he replied "how do you know she can defeat Angelena?" I replied by saying "I heard her talking on the phone she was talking quietly but she forgot how good of hearing werewolves had." He nooded and said "can you find the mantion?" Wait my third in command he's a tracker. A smile crept onto my face and I replied "acually I think I might be able to. My third in command is a tracker. Hold on a sec." Won't mate get hurt if Master found that were plotting against her. My wolf said I replied you don't have to call her master. I mindlinked my beta and third in command we have to have a meeting at the pack now. My beta Lewis replied what if they think were rouges? My third in command Josh replied we will be fine. Meet you there in a sec. I shifted into my wolf form looked at the boy he just said "go" I ran of into the woods I made it to the pack border line and a few minutes there were the others I heard a lot of steps coming from the pack and my head snapped toward the sound I caught a familar smell mixed with the others soon a large group werewolves came into veiw running towards us. Growls started to erupt from the group. "Quiet!" A female voice said making the rest shut up. They stopped right infront of us someone pushed to the front with anger in her eyes but when she saw us her eyes landed on me and showed no emotion "go" she said "they are no danger to us." A single tear slid down her face. Once everyone left she said "I-is that really you?" My beta and third were giving me quenstining looks but I just waved them off. I went up to her and bear hugged her. "Your still not taller than me" I joked she laughed a little bit ten burst out into tears burring her head in my sholder. "Who is that?" Lewis and Josh asked at the same time. . I chukled at their cunfision and said "She's my daughter."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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