Chapter 1

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Emma's POV

I was sleeping on my bed when I felt the bed move up and down. I slowly open my and Ruby was jumping on my bed.

"Emmmmmmaaaaaa!" She yells over and over again.

"Waaaaakkkkkeeee Uuuuuupppppp!" She says while jumping.

"Ruby get off."

"Emma get up." She says.

"Ruby its the last day of summer till school starts. Let me sleep."

"Get up! Get up! Get up! She says still jumping.

I pushed her off my bed and sit up.

"Fine Im up."

I get up and get dressed. I go downstairs and Ruby and I sit at the counter top.

"So you ladies have anything planned for today?" My dad asks us.

"Yes we do." Ruby says.

"Well you girls have fun. See you after work." He says leaving.

"So is everything okay?" Ruby asks me.

"Well you know the story."

She nodded and we went out for a walk to her Granny's diner.

My parents had me when they were young they decided to give me up. I was adopted by this family that gave me back with I was three. My parents then took me back when I was for. They wernt married, but they were together an almost married. They kept my last name as Swan because they thought Swan sounded better then Nolan with my name. Well last year my mom and dad were fighting a lot and they got divorced. I stay with my dad durning the summer and the weekends and on the week days I stay with my mom. I hated that they wernt together anymore.

"Emma are you going to be okay if we go in there?" Ruby asks.

I looked inside the diner and saw that pain in the ass Killian Jones. He has always been mean to me. I dont know why I never did anything to him ever. He is just a jackass with a bad attitude. Its not my fault he is a man whore. We walked inside and Killian looked at me laughing.

"Emma dont let him get to you." Ruby says.

"I'll try, but you know how he gets towards me."

"Lets just chill in the back." She says.

"Ruby come here for a second." Her Granny says.

"Sure thing. You will be fine right. I will be right back." She says.

"I will be okay."

She walked away and I sat down at a table waiting for her to come back. I felt someone tab my shoulder. I looked over and no one was there and then faced foreword in my seat and was facing Killian.

"Hello Emma." He says.


"So Emma Slut how is hoeing around going?" He asks.

"Im not a slut and I dont hoe around. All that stuff is you."

"Well your a dirty little slut." He says.

"Killian leave Emma alone." Ruby says.

"Wow Emma having your whore back you up thats sweet." He says.

"Killian shut your mouth before I punch you in the face." Ruby says.

Ruby grabs my hand and takes me to the back.

"Thanks Rubs."

"No problem Em thats what Im here for. So are we going to Regina's welcome back school party at the end of the month?" She asks me.

"I dont know its always the same thing. She invites everyone over and takes over everything then everyone gets drunk and Killian always ends the time by waiting for me to leave and then he throws me in the pool. I dont know."

"Emma come on nothing will happen." Ruby says.

A month and 3weeks later

I looked down at the stick and it was positive. This isnt good my parents are going to kill me. Worse of all I dont remember the night it happened.

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