Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

Today was the another day, but to make it even better it was Monday and that means school. Everyone is going to look at me and talk shit. My door opened and I saw Anna, Elsa, and Ruby there.

"Ready for school Emma?" Anna asks.

"Yeah I think so."

"Dont worry Em we will be with you the hole time." Ruby says.

"Thanks Rubs. Thanks to all of you."

"Well come on its time to go." Elsa says.

We walked over to the school and I stopped outside.

"Em come on." Ruby says.

"Yeah we are here for you." Elsa says.

"We wont let you fall." Anna tells me.

"You guys are the best. Yeah okay Im ready."

We walked in and like I said everyone was talking about me and pointing and laughing. It was happening all day when it was time for lunch we ventured down the hall way even farther and there he was the main dick himself. Waiting to just piss me off. Thats when someone else I hated walked up.

"So Emma you were brave to say that your expecting, but also stupid. Now we have even more shit to say about you." Regina says.

"Regina come on stop." Anna says.

"Coming from you that shocking." She says.

"Why do you treat people so bad?" Anna asks her.

"Because Im prefect." She says.

"No your not and news flash no one here actually likes you." Anna says to her.

Regina moved aside and we kept walking through. These other girls that had money and popularity because of money. The leaders name was Mal.

"So Emma we here the queen of slut town messed up." She says to me.

"Yeah now Emma is not a slut." Elsa says.

"Yeah she is the biggest slut the town has ever seen." She seen.

"Unless you want to end up face first in the dumpster you better leave her alone. Or even better you could end up like Regina hated by all." Elsa says.

They moved out of our way and then we were stopped again by Killian's little slut Milah.

"Emma like everyone says your pregnant and they are being rude. Well I have to say one thing. Congrats on being just like your dumb idiotic mother. Like mother like daughter I always say." She says to me.

"Your just mad that it wasnt you that Killian Jones fucked over." Ruby says.

"What did you say Little Red Riding Whore?" She says.

"Thats it." Ruby says and attacks her.

"Ruby get off." Anna says.

Anna and Elsa had to pry Ruby off of Milah.

"Say one more word and your fake ass is done for." Ruby threatens.

"Whatever protect the slut because her mommy wont." Milah says walking off.

"Hey leave Emma alone." Anna yells after her.

Everyone just looked and laughed Mal and Milah were all with Regina.

"Hey Emma still need your cousins and best friend to fight your battles?" Zelena asks.

"We arnt fighting her battles we are protecting her." Elsa says.

"I guess thats a new campaign." Mal says.

"Yeah what would it be called though?" Milah asks.

"Ohh I know its called Protect the Slut." Regina says.

"Next one to talk bad to Emma is going to have their face all fucked up." Ruby says.

Everyone looked at her and terroir stuck their eyes. Everyone stopped looking at me and just talked to their groups no eyes were on me except Killian's. I just wanted out of here so I started walking myself out to the exit when Im stopped.

"Well Swan this is your fault for telling everyone. The slut fucked up." Killian says.

"Not in the mood."

"Oh it finally speaks." He says.

"Im not afraid of you."

"Doesnt matter if your afraid of me or not. Your a stupid blond whore that probably forced me to get you pregnant." He says.

I couldnt take it anymore everyone was watching me and looking. That was it Killian wants to play dick oh I'll play.

"You know what Killian shut the fuck up and tell your stupid whore bitch possey to also fuck off. Im so fucking done with you and no I didnt plan of you getting me pregnant that just was fates cruel joke. If I wanted to get pregnant I wouldnt have picked you. Even if I had to chose between having a child with you or a monkey. I would pick the fucking monkey."

After yelling that at him I walked right out the door and went to the parking lot.

"Damn Emma you've got guts." Someone says.

"I have to say it felt good to say."

"Well my damn moron brother deserved it." Liam says.

"Hes had it coming for awhile."

I looked down at my phone and there was a message from my dad telling me to meet him at the hospital for my appointment.

"Do you have to go somewhere?" Liam asks.

"Yeah the doctors. I better get walking."

"I'll drive you after all it was my brother that did this to you." He says.

"Okay thanks Liam."

We got into his car and he took me to the hospital. Why cant Killian be normal like his brother? Now I can see why Elsa has a huge crush on him. Its all about jerks for some but nice is better. Im kinda hoping Liam and Elsa get together they would be the cutest couple ever. God stupid hormones making me bipolar.

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