Chapter 10

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Emma's POV

Killian wasnt being mean when he came by earlier and I wanted to talk to him again. I went for a walk and sat down at the docks and sat down at the edged I take off my shoes and socks and put my feet in the water. It felt nice and I looked out at the sea and was worried about my life and everything I had. What was I going to do? Am I ready to be a Mother? Will Killian stay around when I have the baby and maybe keep it? Why does life suck? I put my hands in my lap and l just kept thinking.

"Can I sit?" Someone asks.

"Yeah sure."

"Lovely water isnt it?" The person asks.

"Yeah it is."

"Emma, I know my brother can be pain, but he will wont leave you alone in this." Liam says.

"Yeah I guess. Im just really scared."

"Yeah I know and Killian is freaking out. I know you two never get along, but you both have to try. I know Killian and I know he barely spoke to you. You need to find away to get through to him." He says.

"You think he will listen."

"No. Killian never listens, but I can help you with him. Why dont you meet me at Granny's tonight? Killian will be there with his friends and if he sees me with you. He will have no choice, but to talk to you." He says.

"Yah okay."

After I had a nice talk with Liam I walked back home and I got ready and went to the diner. I saw Liam outside sitting alone.

"Emma have a seat." He says.

"Yeah thanks."

"So Killian isnt here yet." He tells me.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No its even better because he will have to pass us to go in." He says.

"Wow your very clever."

"Yeah I guess." He says.

"So about this child thing. What do you think I and Killian should do?"

We talked about it and I did feel much better. We waited for Killian to show and after about 20mins of talking Killian finally comes. He looked over at us an gave us a weird look.

"Killian! Little brother whats up?" Liam asks.

"What are you doing Liam?" Killian asks.

"Just talking to Emma. Why dont you do the same." Liam says.

"Liam not now. Not here." Killian says.

"Killian whats going to happened when Emma starts showing?" Liam asks him.

"Thats her problem not mine." Killian says.

"Fine play that way. Let me just go into the diner and tell everyone that you got Emma pregnant." Liam says.

"You wouldnt dare." Killian says.

"Try me." Liam says.

"Liam please dont."

"Emma Im sorry, but Killian is asking for this." Liam says to me and he started heading to the door of the diner.

"Liam you better not." Killian says.

"Dont test me." Liam says.

"Killian dont push your brother to the breaking point. We both dont want this to get out."

"When you start to show everyone knows that your a whore. Emma your just alittle slut thats all thats going to be known and no one will care about you." Killian says.

"Killian thats it I cant take it any more."

I walked inside the diner and everyone looked at me. Everyone from school was here.

"What do you want Emma?" Regina asks.

"I want you all to listen to me and listen good."

"Okay slut speak." Neal says.

"At your party I got pregnant."

"Like we care little whore." Regina says.

"But you havent heard the best part."

"And whats that?" Zelena asks.

"Im glade you asked because it was Killian Jones."

Everyone looked at me and Killian walked in with Liam behind him.

"You got Emma pregnant?" Regina asks Killian.

"Before Killian lies he did sleep with Emma he told me so." Liam says to everyone.

"Well now we believe it because Liam never lies." Regina says.

I walked out of the diner I cant believe I did that.

"Swan!" Killian yells.

"What now going to call me a whore or a slut again?"

"No. Look Im sorry about that." He says.

"I dont get you. What is wrong with you? First your all mean to me now nice. You what you can go fuck yourself."

I walked away and went home and laid down on my bed.

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