In The Heat.

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BOOM!! There was a loud explosion behind us, we jump up, look around and there they were; the worst people ever born. Maverick. They also have powers. It's made up of five dark twisted men and women.

They are lead by Derek he is 6'3 with dark black hair, ice cold blue eyes and tan skin whom possesses the power of super speed.

The second in command is Cara who is 5'3 with long blond hair, midnight eyes and snow white skin. Her powers are just as deadly as she is. She has the oh so special power to control fire.

The third man of the group is Brute who is just horrible. Brute is 7'0 hulking in size with dark sightless eyes. His has a blackish skin tone and strength unmatched. If he gets a hold of you you are more than likely dead within seconds.

The fourth and probably the deadliest is Sara. Sara whom is also 5'3 with long blonde hair and light blue eyes has a tannish skin tone, she is the opposite of her sister in every way. Primarily her ability to control ice.

The fifth and final member of Maverick is Johnny. Johnny has short dark brown hair brown and eyes to match. He is a caramel complexion with the power to turn his skin into any solid object he touches; from wood to diamond.

Derek looks at us and says "Well, well, well looks what the cat drug in"

Cara laughs and says "Aren't you kids tired of running? Why don't you just give up now and we won't kill you."

Before I could answer Skye answers backs and says "Aren't you tired of being a bitch?"

Sara tries to hide a smile and says "Lets get on with it" and lunges at Skye who moves out of the way quickly and hits her with a swift kick to her chin. Sara's neck instantly snaps back and she flies backwards.

I run straight toward Brute in a blur and hit him with four quick punches before he even knew what was in front of him. I ran around to his back and jumped up. I barley grab his neck as I teleport up maybe 100ft and I let go of him as I watch him fall. I know the fall won't kill him but I had to do something.

As soon as I teleport back to the ground Johnny punches me with a metal fist right on the side of my jaw; which stuns me long enough for Derek turbo speeds over and punch me repeatedly in the stomach with enough force to break a rib.

I fall down and I see Skye in a ice battle with Sara. Skye runs in a circle at full speed and sends a ice crystal directly toward Sara's face as she barley manages to block it. Cara runs over and sets Skye's path on fire forcing her to run directly into Brute who grabs her by her neck ready to break it.

Derek yells "No not yet."

The five of them walk over to me as I stagger to my feet ready to fight. Sara kicks me back down I try to get up but Johnny hits me with another metal fist and I go down for good.

Derek bends down and grabs my face and say "She's gonna be one of us soon". With that he snaps his finger and Brute walks over without saying a word he stomps on my chest and I black out.

I came to a couple hours later and they all were gone. I knew where they were headed they were going to Max; the science facility shaped like two large bird wings. After I regained my energy a sense of power rushes over my body and my eyes glow a dark blue color. My body hops into overdrive. Am I developing a new power I think to myself. It would of taken me maybe 8 hours to get to Max but with this burst of new energy I can make it there in an hour tops. I stop running five minutes before I arrive at the building to plan a way in. I then realize what they did and I run and jump up as high as I can which is about 40 feet in the air. I muster up all the remaining strength I have and I come crashing down straight through the right wing of the building. As I land I grab the first guy I see and slam him against the wall.


He looks shaken and scared but says "th-the-they are downstairs on the bottom floor, they said something about adding a new member to the group" and before I could stop myself I throw him out the window. Being the kind hearted guy that I am I jump out after him grab him and teleport back in with 20 ft of building left to spare. Skye would of stopped me from throwing him I think to myself.

As I start walking I hear someone scream "PULL THE ALARM NOW DANNY!!!" and that's when a loud ear shattering alarm goes off in the building.

I step on the elevator smiling cause I'm going to kill team Maverick. I press the ground floor button and all I hear as I head down is panic and screaming. I smile again. As I reach the bottom floor I teleport on top of the elevator and wait. I hear Brute walk over to check out the door and I see him look around. I stay where I am and as he begins to walk away I make my move. I teleport onto his back and I slowly but surely choke him until he is unconscious. I drag his body to the elevator and throw him on. I send it to make an all floor run.

"Now to take out the rest" I say to myself.

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