Unsafe and Unsound

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It's been about a month since we been with Alex. I haven't seen or spoken to Skye I don't know if she's safe or not. I tell Autumn that I'm thinking about leaving to go look for her. "Can I go with you?" She begs "pleeeeeassse?" I look at her and shake my head no

"you can't come I need you to stay here for now if I find them and they are safe I'll come and get you If not you need to stay here" I reply. She looks disappointed but I know she understands.

I wait till it's about midnight and I head out. I fly back into the town I had straight for Skye's old house. The lights are on I see her in the window of her old bed room. Someone is in there with her. A guy. She's in there with a guy? I look into another room and I see Allyson and Marcqus are asleep on a couch. Maybe they are safe I think to myself. I look at Skye's window again. A fucking guy. I look at her sitting on the bed. I teleport into her room.

She jumps up and looks at me "Devin what are you doing here?" She says half shocked half happy.

"I came to see if you were ok. And from the looks up of things your doing pretty damn fine" I reply angrily.

"Devin this is my friend he's been helping us adjust to being back home." She says calmly "the kids love him he's helpful" at this point he stands up and walks over to me

"you must be Devin I've heard a lot about you. The names James King." He says with a kind of dickness to his voice.

I look at him then I turn my attention to Skye "so I see you guys are safe so I'm gone" I open the window and step on to the ledge.

"Devin..wait..I love you" she says silently.i look back at her then I drop out of the window.

I head back to the pizza shop,Romeo's it's called, I land behind the building and walk up the back steps I head into the kitchen and I rummage for something to drink I settle for a root beer that was in the small fridge in the corner. Alex walks in and looks at me. "How'd your bust go?" I ignore her. "That bad huh." She walks over to me.

"She moving on, she's happy she's safe. I think we might leave in a couple days" I say softly.

she turns me around and hugs me "no matter what you do. You and Autumn are always welcome here" I look at her and nod.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed. Thank you" I say. I walk up the stairs and walk in to the bedroom. Autumn is fast asleep in my bed so I climb into another one I grab my book and I begin to read the 12th chapter. I read until I drift into a restless sleep.

I wake up again in the with the same brain smashing pain I grab my head and scream the loudest most deadliest scream I could I feel Autumn jump up from her bed and run over to me. She I feel her put her hand on my arm and she instantly jumps back and looks down at me she runs out of the room and 2 minutes later she comes back in with Alex. Alex goes to touch me but Autumn pulls her back. She sits down next to me on the floor as I scream my head off in pain. I feel every part of my brain pushing against my skull. My skin is burning and my eyes are pouring with tears. After about 20 minutes the pain suddenly goes away I roll on my side and lay there for a second. Alex reaches down and grabs my hand. I slowly stand up I look at both of them. They look terrified "what was that.." Alex says gingerly

"I don't know this is the second time this has happened" I reply.

"Are you ok?" Autumn asks

"I'm fine I'm fine just a little headache..I think I'm gonna go back to sleep" as I lay back into the bed I get a tingling feeling in my hands.

I look over and Alex is looking at me "you sure you are ok?" She asks

"yes I'm fine thank you" she looks at me again then she walks to the door and turns the light out. I look over at Autumn. She's back in her bed and is falling asleep. "You're gonna be ok or you might die who knows" she says shutting her eyes for good.

I drift back to sleep with thought pounding my mind

What's happening to me.

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