Evolution Is A Mystery.

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I wake up the next day feeling even more tired than I usually do. I drop down from my tree and scope out my surroundings. Skye drops down silently and touches my shoulder. I turn around and she smiles.

"How are you feeling?" She asks worry in her voice. I don't answer I just lean in and I kiss her on her soft lips. She smiles and kisses me back. I grab her waist and pull her closer to me, it feels good to have her close we haven't touched like this in a long time and I've missed it. I run my hands up and down my back and she places her hands behind my neck.

I hear moving in the trees above us and I know the kids are awake. I pull away and her cheeks are flushed. I kiss her forehead and she giggles.

The kids drop down and B slowly climbs out of the tree behind them.

"What's the plan?" Skye asks.

"Idk to be honest"

"We're really going to fight them?" Allyson asks

I nod my head and begin to walk out of the woods the others follow closely behind. I walk past a small kiosk and I grab a muffin when the guy isn't looking. The others do the same and we turn the corner fast before the guy can notice.

As we walk down the street B shouts "HEY!!!" I turn around and some guy is has her bag in his hand. She grabs his shirt and slams him in to a nearby wall harder than I expected her to. She snatches the bookbag.

I look at Skye and raise my eyebrow she shrugs. Skye grabs her arm and she steps back.

We all look at her and she gives us a shy smile and starts walking down the sidewalk again I flash Skye a confused look and she looks equally confused.

Skye's pov

I walk a little faster to catch up to B she looks at me and smiles "B um you kind of slammed that guy a little harder than we...I expected you to" I says quietly

"I know...it was weird to me to...but please don't freak out but I feel like I'm changing like my body is changing"

"Changing how?" I ask

"I don't know" she says as we turn another corner and end up in front of some more woods.

"Look" she says and we all turn to look at her. "I can jump in to the trees like you guys" we all look confused until she actually does it.

She take a little running start and she jumps in to the air straight into some branches. She drops down a minute later and everyone is shocked.

"How did you learn to do that?" Devin asks her

"I've seen you guys do it and I tried to do it a couple times and it worked...I still can't fly though...I can only get maybe an inch off the ground but I'm working on it" she says as she floats gently off of the ground. She looks just at shocked as we do.

I grab her hand and give her the biggest hug ever.

we separate and she has the biggest smile on her face. "I'm starting to remember stuff too. I remember my name" she almost whispers

"What is it" I am excited to know. B is the only thing I have to a friend in my life, not counting Devin and the kids, but she's the only one I can talk to about girl things, like which guys I think are cute with we walk down the street and I enjoy it and the fact that I can finally know her name almost brings a tear to my eyes.

"Brayden. My name...it's Brayden...I remember..." She starts to sob I grab her again and she clings on to me. Allyson comes up next and hugs her to next it's Autumn and then Marcqus. Devin is the last person to come in to the hug.

She cries a little more and the sobs lessen and she sniffles and she eventually stops. Everyone pulls away but she keeps me locked in a hug. "I'm closer to knowing who I use to be..." She whispers

"I know I'm happy for you" I reply

"Guys its getting late" I say as the sky starts to darkens.

Everybody starts to jump in to their own little trees.

I walk over to Devin and whisper "pick a tree big enough for too people" his face lights up and we both smile.

He grabs my hand and we both jump up into the tree

He lays down and I nuggle up into his arm he wraps it around me tightly and I can't help but smile,god I love him.

"I love you" he says reading my thoughts

""We have to be careful. To many people keep finding us so we gotta be extra careful." He says.

"I know. I'm worried about Autumn her visions are getting worse and I'm starting to wor..."

"Don't worry I'll be ok" he says cutting me off.

He leans down and kisses my forehead.

"It's hard not to worry,just know that no matter what I'll be there to protect" I say with confidence

"You always be there to protect me." he replies

I look up and he is asleep, his mouth slightly own head back against the tree and his arm wrapped around me. I kiss his forehead and I drift to sleep in his arms dreaming of a world where we weren't taken and we could just be happy together.

That can never happen though. I remind myself and I am taken away fully into my dreams.

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