Actual Ending

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(Alright! So I've decided that this will be the actual ending.)

Lucy's POV

My body goes limp when the lacrima stops extracting magic. I pant and close an eye in pain. "You alright Lucy?" I weakly lift my head up. "s-somehow" I look into the lacrima. I narrow my eyes. Red and gold was swirling in the inside. It was somehow beautiful. I hear the door open. I blink. "HAPPY!" He was unconscious and tied up in Kin's hands. I struggle against the cuffs. "Happy!" Natsu growls. "The bastard even got more low." I glare at Kin. "Do what you want to us but not to Happy!" "What kind of bastard hurts an innocent cat!" Somethings off. I narrow my eyes at Happy's neck. I widen my eyes but glare at Kin. "Let him go!" Happy was wearing a red collar. It had a small red light flashing slowly. The collar is probably that color to cover up the flash. Kin tosses Happy on the floor. "I want the cat to hear your screams of pain" With that he leaves the room. I look around for any cameras. I don't see any. I look back down at Happy. "you can wake up now" Happy shoots up, saluting us. "Aye!" Natsu chokes on his own spit. "What!?!"

"Erza sent me around this area to look for you guys. But she had a plan to put a tracking collar on me. That guy found me and took me here. However he punched me in the face, I acted like that knocked me out. Wow, that guy is weak. Weaker then Warren." I sigh and shake his head. I chuckle. "I feel pathetic" Natsu looks up at me. "Why?" I shake my head and look down at the concrete covered ground. "We got kidnapped but a guy who you could literally take out in one punch. We could of stopped him along time ago." I chuckle and shake my head as tears fill my eyes. "I'm weak" "Hey! You are not weak!" I lift my head. Natsu had his jaw clenched. "Your not weak, you hear me! You are one of the strongest people I know!" I sniff. "Really?" he nods. "Of course" Sparks fly in the air. Me and Natsu widen our eyes. "Lushi? Natzu?" We both arch our backs and scream. "NATZU! LUSHI!"

I go limp again. I hear Happy sobbing. I try to lift my head but can't. I open my mouth. "I-I'm fine Happy. Natsu is too" Natsu grunts in response. "Right." Both of our voices were raspy and quiet. I swallow and close an eye. "Lushi?" I hum quietly. "Your bleeding" I open my eye and then close my left eye. My forehead above my left eye is bleeding and dripping down my eye. Happy was still crying and struggling against the rope. I hear the metal door slam open. I hear familiar magic forming. "Ice make: Key!" "Gray..." I see a shadow walk in front of me. One of my arms falls down, the cuff coming undone. My other arm falls down. I start to fall until cold arms wrap around my back. I shiver. My feet slide down on the ground until I'm set down on the ground completely. I feel furry paws hug my chest. "Lushi~" I lift my head slightly and see Happy hugging me. I want to hug him back but I can't find the strength to do so. "damn, what happened?" I gain some strength and look up at Gray, who is currently helping Natsu. "Lacrima...magic...." "For three days straight?" I blink then widen my eyes. "Three...days?" Gray nods and holds Natsu up. "Yeah. you two have been gone for three days. Erza is dealing with Kin. Me and Erza were tired of waiting so we sent Happy here." I smile but yawn. Natsu is sitting against the wall. "Didn't...need your... help Ice pop" Gray chuckles. "Sure you didn't" He says sarcastically.

About a few minutes later, Erza walks in with. "Kin has been taken care of and the magic council has taken him into custody." I yawn. "thanks Erza" Hey! What about Me! I released you guys!" Natsu snorts. "But you don't get credit of anything" I giggle but it turns into a yawn. "Lucy?" I wave a hand weakly. "Just tired" I feel myself being picked up. I blink. Gray put me on his back. "Ice pop! That's my girlfriend!" Gray waves a hand. "I'm not going to do anything. Don't worry" Erza tossed Natsu over her shoulder. Me and Gray sweatdrop. "Lets destroy this then get out of here" I look at the lacrima. It was completely filled with fire and celestial magic. Erza requips a sword. She throws it into the lacrima like it was nothing. The lacrima cracks then falls to the ground, it was floating, and shatters. We all blink. Natsu's magic was coming towards me and my magic was going towards Natsu. I gasp as it enters my head. Everything goes black.

I gasp and sit up. "Woah, woah. Take it easy!" I lay back down and look at the person in the chair next to me. It was Wendy. I blink. "W...Wendy" She smiles. "Feel better Lucy-san?" I touch my head. "I feel different." Wendy sighs. "Yeah, after you and Natsu-san's magic went into each other, you both fainted." I sit up slowly. "So...what happened then?" "Erza-san and Gray-san carried you both here." I blink. "Uh, Wendy?" "Yes Lucy-san?" "Whats that smell?" Wendy blinks. "what?" "It smells like something burned" Wendy widens her eyes. "T-That's Mira-san accidentally burning toast. How can you smell that?" I blink then shrug. "Lucy-san, open your mouth please" I slowly open my mouth. Wendy leans towards me. She widens her eyes and runs her finger over my teeth. "L-lucy-san, y-you  have fangs" I widen my eyes and feel my canine teeth. I wince and pull my finger out of my mouth. It had a drop of blood. I look around then sniff the air. "My vision is a lot better and its really, really hot in here." I hear a groan so I look over and see Natsu slowly waking up.

 Master walks in after I tell Natsu about my discovery. He told me that my eyes were turned into slits and that his magic is acting funny. Master clears his throat. I was now sitting between Natsu's legs. "Natsu, Lucy. You have both activated Celestial flames. Lucy is half fire dragon slayer while Natsu is half celestial mage." We all widen our eyes. "WHAT!?"

(That's it! I'm officially done with this book! The next book of this isn't out yet but here is the title: The Time Struggle. Thanks for reading!)

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