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Harry's POV

I have known Luke ever since we were kids. We have known each other since we were 5. What Lukey doesn't know is that I have a crush on him and he doesn't know.

"Hey Haz" he says to me and I bite my lip trying to not to blush in front of him. "Hi Lukey" I say to him as I look up at him. He doesn't know that I like him. I think to myself as I bite my lip. But I have to tell him or else he won't know.

"Lukey I have something to tell you" I tell him. "Tell me Haz" he tells me and I bite my lip. "I like you Lukey" I say.

Luke's POV

Harry just told me that he likes me and I do too. "I like you too Hazzy" I tell him and his eyes widen like a kid on Christmas morning.

I pull him close to my chest and I bite my lip as I look at his lips. I want to kiss him so badly right now. "Can I kiss you Haz?" I ask him and he nods. I lean in and kiss him. I lift him up in my arms as I kiss him deeply and he moans a little, which caused me to smirk as I bite down on his bottom lip. He's going to screaming my name all night. I think to myself as I continue to kiss him.

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