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"Come on it's like taking a stroll through the woods 65 million years ago." Owen stated. I chuckle.

We walked in silence for a few minutes before he decided to break it.

"Your quiet." He commented. I shrug.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked him. He just shrugs. "So..." I began.  "What's going between you and the red head?" I asked. He smirks.

"What? Your not jealous are you?" He asks smugly with a smirk. I roll my eyes and nudge him.

"I am not jealous." I stated blushing, looking away. He smirks and nudges me back.

"But seriously though." I said. He swung the gun on his shoulder. Owen shook his head.

"No, there's nothing going on between me and Claire." He told me and I felt a weight lift off of me and I sighed in relief but he didn't see that thankfully because he would just tease me about it. "Besides." He said. "I have my eyes on someone else." I felt my heart drop but I forced a smirk.

"Oh really now?" I said feigning interest.

"Mhm." He responded.

"It's Hoskins isn't it?" I said teasingly knowing it will tick him off . His face showed disgust as I laughed.

"Your something, you know that?"

I shrug.

"I guess."

"And a klutz." I glare at him.

"Am not!" I said and before I knew it I tripped over a branch but before I could hit the ground Owen's arms were around me pulling me up with this gigantic grin on his face.

"Like I said." I rolled my eyes and hit his chest. He laughed at my attempt to hurt him. I growl in frustration and stormed away with my face a blood beat red and Owen chuckling behind me.

I heard an engine to a car. Owen did too as we ran to where the noise came from.

I skid to a stop as I saw the tire tracks. I looked over at the small building. It was a garage that was part of the old park by the looks of it.

"Is this one of there's?" Owen asks holding up a shirt.

"No idea. The probability of it being there's is about 80%. That pat leads right back to the park." I stated. He tries the ignition to one of the jeeps.

"How did they get one of these things started?" Owen asked in disbelief as he rummaged through the shelves.

A rumble was heard as it shook the building causing dirt to fall from the ceiling. I froze on the spot. I heard it again but closer this time as I maneuvered my way over to the front of the jeep where Owen was as we sat down in front of it to keep ourselves hidden.

I heard it getting closer. I clamp my eyes shut as I bundled my hands at the bottom of m tank top taking a fist full of it. I felt a warm hand on top of it. I heard it coming very closer and nearly yelped when it nudged the jeep. But seemingly it took its head out and began to walk away as Owen quickly grabbed his rifle.

Until the Indominous Rex's head came crashing in from the ceiling. Owen and I made a run for it, running through the old parts of the old park and running outside with Owen ahead of me but slowing down so I could keep up.

A helicopter flew over us as we reached the peak of a cliff. From here you can spot the bird cage where the pterodactyl's and some genetic hybrids were being held.

From the distance I saw them start to fly out of the cage hitting the helicopter which started to smoke and spin out of control.

"Oh my god." I whispered as if in slow-mo the helicopter crashed down into the bird cage and exploded.

I notice the direction the bird were flying.

Right towards us.

"Go. Trees. Now." Owen yelled turning me around and pushing me towards the tree's as once again we started running for the trees.

Owen and I dove to the ground just as a pterodactyl dove for us but luckily it missed us.


We somehow made our way back to the park in the area where the workers were running frantically around.

"Hey" Owen yelled over the people getting my attention. "Get on" I hopped on the back of the quad he was on wrapping my arms around his torso as he took off.



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