~Chapter Six~

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Sofia had decided that cereal was her favorite breakfast, save for pancakes. She loved cereal so much. Just not with milk. The milk made it soggy. But just plain cereal was delicious. 

"Momma," she asked, "Can I have some juice?"

"Of course." Her mom opened the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of orange juice. She poured some in a glass for Sofia. Another thing Sofia loved was orange juice. 

Once Sofia finished her breakfast, she went into the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth. Once her breath smelled like mint and the taste of breakfast was gone from her mouth, Sofia hopped out of the bathroom and skipped back into the kitchen. 

The first week of school had come and gone, leaving Sofia friendless, but she still had fun. Today was Monday, and Sofia's mother looked nervous. Sofia guessed that it was because of that job she had told Sofia about. The one at the bookstore. Sofia couldn't wait to learn how to read so she could buy a book at the store so her mom could get more money. She would just have to borrow a couple dollars from her mom to buy a book because she didn't have any money. 

"I'm ready to go Momma," she said, picking up her backpack from where it sat by the door.

"Let's go," her mom replied, opening the door. Sofia skipped over to the car, the ice in her water bottle making a clacking sound. Her mom opened Sofia's car door, and she jumped in, wishing she was a fairy so she wouldn't have to jump anymore. She could just fly into the car, or even fly to school. That would be cool. 

When they got to the school, Sofia climbed up next to her mom, and gave her a big hug. 

"Have fun at school Sof," her mom said.

"I will have a lot of fun, Momma." Sofia climbed back to her chair, and used her fairy magic to open to door (She actually just pressed a button, but she liked to keep that a secret). 

Sofia hopped out of the car, waved at her mom, and walked up to the blacktop. The screaming sound- the bell - rang throughout the schoolyard right as Sofia reached her line. Perfect timing. Sofia stood in her spot at the end of the line, and waited for Mr. Williams. He emerged from the classroom, and lead the class inside. Sofia took her seat, and was ready to start the day. 

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Ms. Martin didn't know why she was so nervous. She was being silly and childish. It was only the first day of her new job. She didn't need to worry. She would be fine. And besides, she always worked better when she was surrounded by books. In school, she considered books to be her friends because, well, she just wasn't the type of person to make friends. She did have one friend though, in high school. One friend who loved books as much as she did, and didn't mind long stretches of silence, devoid of conversation. But of course, she went to a different college than Ms. Martin had. And they just stopped talking. Ms. Martin hadn't had a true friend for a long time after that. Not until Denver. But, like her high school friend, he left as well. And she would never see him again. 

Ms. Martin shook the memories out of her head. Now was not the time to be distracted. She needed to be totally focused today. She needed to make a good impression. Ms. Martin tightened her grip on the steering wheel, and fixed her eyes on the road ahead. 

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