Finn Balor

859 22 14

Favorite place to have sex- Bent over a table.

His favorite place to kiss you- Your collar bone

His name in your phone- Lego Demon👹💀

Your name in his phone- My Sweet 💝

What you call him- Demon, Hunny

Your favorite thing about him- His big beautiful smile

Your favorite color- Neon anything

Favorite movie to watch together- 21 Jump Street

Favorite type of music- Punk (Rock)

The song that describes your relationship-  Ass Like That by Eminem

Who said I love you first- You did

He gets jealous when you talk to Sami Zayn

Your favorite show to watch together- Family Feud

The flowers he gets you- He didn't know what you'd want the most there were to many choices.  He ended up gettinga couple of each from the store and had them ALL delivered. 😂😂

Favorite restaurant- In N Out

How you met- You were at your very favorite restaurant in Tampa, Florida again, for about the fifth time that month. You visited that place quite often, and you always sat in the quiet little table in the back by the big bay window. You didn't mind that you were sitting alone, you actually enjoyed the solitude. You would sip on a warm drink and just watch the seagulls flock around the ocean beyond the glass.

Usually, you would have a pleasant time and no one would bother you. The food was always amazing and the waiters and waitresses were always helpful and friendly, but this time, the visit was much different. Unlike usual, it was a busier day. You usually didn't go at busy hours or weekends, but you were craving their food, so you went anyone. You instantly regretted it, however, when a blonde man with a cocky grin plopped down into the empty seat across from you.

"Can I help you?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at the man.

"I just noticed that you were sitting here all alone," He started to explain as he played around with the unused napkin covered silverware on his side. "And someone as fine as you should never sit alone, baby." He sent you a wink across the table and you felt your stomach churn. You turned your nose up at him, but he somehow kept that smirk on his face. He seemed to ooze confidence one way or another, no matter how you reacted.

"I am just fine. I'm not here to hook up with anyone, I'm here to enjoy my dinner." You almost growled across the table at him.

"Hey, don't be that way, babydoll." His voice fluctuated as he leaned across the table. "I don't bite." He winked again, causing you to roll your eyes.

"Um, is there a problem here?" You heard an Irish accent interject into the conversation and it almost made you jump. You looked up to see a man with dark hair and light eyes, glaring over at the stranger across from you.

"There will be if you don't leave." The blonde stranger snickered before standing up from the table. "I was about to pick her up."

"Obviously, you weren't." The Irish man snapped as he inched even closer to the man, glaring into his very soul. You watched with content and a small smile as you watched fear settle into the blonde's eyes. "It's clear to everyone here that she wasn't in the least bit interested in you, so I suggest you get to steppin', bub."

You bit your lip as you tried to contain your amused smile. Soon, the blonde walked off, leaving you there with the mysterious Irishman. "Thanks for that." You said softly to him.

"No problem." He shrugged, an amused smile curving across his face.

"Want to sit down?" You asked slowly with nerves in your stomach as you bobbed your head towards the seat across. And that was big for you, because you never invited anyone to join you.

"Sure." He quietly replied before taking a seat. "I'm Finn." He stretched his arm across the table.

You took it and replied, "(Y/N)."

Hey guys! I just got a new co author to help me out with the missing how you mets on the chapter and this person is one of my best friends here the amazing...... TheBadNewsAddiction !!!!!! I feel like a star I got one of the best WWE writers on here to help me! She's sooooo sweet and is amazing if you haven't heard of her which I doubt you haven't WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR LOOK THAT SHIT UP!!!!! Thanks again TheBadNewsAddiction :)

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