Part Three

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"I don't know, Marin. I see what you say, but maybe it's good she has this . . . fascination with the guy. I mean whoever he is, he lifts her spirits . . . daily. Do you ever see her smiling otherwise?"

Cayce had met Marin at Starbucks that afternoon for the purpose of coming to some decision on how to handle Jan's growing infatuation with this unknown Good-Samaritan. Just how he had become such a major element in her life. It seemed since her early recovery she was showing considerably more obsessive behavior over the one whom they all knew as '@InfiniteLove.'

"No, Cayc. And you're right. She does need this . . . stimulation. But I mean . . . is it really healthy? From what I can see . . . and what she has shared with me, they only tweet about things she and Tyler knew . . . intimately. It's pretty creepy, actually."

"Well it's creeping me out too, Mar. So who is this guy? Why would he spend so much time and energy with Jan? We both know how loyal she was with Tyler. There's no way there was anyone else in her life. Anyone who would be coming back now to claim her."

"I hear you Cayc. But even Jan's mother's getting concerned . . . about the way she talks about 'Infinite.' At the dinner table. And in the car when she takes her to physio down in in Boulder. She just asked me yesterday what I thought about it."

"So what did you say?

"I just changed the subject . . . because I really didn't know what to say. We have to decide. What path to take on this. The situation could get pretty crazy. Especially if Jan ever started thinking . . . you know. The way she acts about him now."

"What? How do you mean?"

"That 'Infinite' really is . . . him . . . Tyler."

"God I know! That's what I'm worrying about too!"

"But do you really believe she thinks that?"

"She's getting there. Jan was telling me yesterday how this guy was describing certain places perfectly!. Places only she and Tyler had been. Romantically! Though she said he has never mentioned his name or referred to Tyler in any way."

"I know. She just listens and agrees with him."

"And sometimes she cries . . . Ever see her do that?

"Yeah, Cayce. I've seen it."

"So what's the plan now? Do we confront her on this? Try to explain the dangers of it all?"

"Or . . . should we just let it go on . . . letting her slip further into this crazy fantasy she's having?"

"Yeah. This cruel game someone is playing with her head."

"Maybe we just need to . . .confront him, Cayce. Ask this guy point blank . . . why the hell he is doing this. And to our best friend."

"I'm with you on that. We have to check this guy out. Let him know who he's messing with here."

Alright. I agree. So come over tomorrow evening. We'll sit at my laptop and Tweet him. He has to know what a cruel game this is becoming for Jan. Her whole life is getting consumed by these. . . crazy messages. And you can only imagine what she is thinking about them now."

"OK then. See you at your place around ten o'clock tomorrow night. But maybe we should see Jan once more tomorrow afternoon . . . just to take her temperature on this whole thing."

"Yup. That's it. We've got a date then, sweetie."

"Don't worry. We'll put our heads together on this, Mar. Maybe even flush the guy out for who he really is."

"Let's try. At least get him to back down on all his nonsense."

"Absolutely, Marin! Now that Jan's up and walking again . . . she needs the real world to depend on. Not some cruel joker out there."

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Text and e-book copyright © 2015 Califia Montalvo

All Rights Reserved

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