Chapter 1: "The first Letter"

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(Starting another Drarry fic. Tell me if you like it and I'll continue the story)

Harry's Pov;

I brushed my finger over the gold italics that spelt 'Harry Potter' on the letter.

"Who do you think it's from?" Ron asked me.

We were in the common room, I sat in the chair and Ron on the couch in front of the fire place. I was examining the letter that I received by owl.

"I don't know it doesn't say who it's from." I replied to my best mate. The envelope was a dark auburn red with gold cursive writing spelling out my name. Gold wax sealing it shut.

"Well you should open it, it may say who it's from inside." Ron suggested laying across the couch.

"You're right." I nodded. I popped the wax seal off and gulped.

I slid the letter out of the envelope and unfolded it.

My eyes scanned over the words, absorbing everything it said. My heart was beating fast and I could feel a light blush sweep over my face.

"What's it say?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh um.. Nothing. It's just from Dumbledore. He wants to talk about my new training." I told Ron. In all honestly that was a lie. I just assumed whoever the writer of this letter was, wouldn't want everyone seeing it.

"Damn.. All that worrying for nothing. And here I thought it was some secret admirer." He joked laughing.

"As if." I sighed awkwardly, putting the letter back in the envelope.

"Yah. Well I'm going to go find Hermione. I'll see you later, mate." Ron stood up stretching.

"Bye Ron." I smiled as he walked out the common room portrait.

I waited a few more minutes just staring at the beautiful envelope.

I looked around making sure no one else was here and opened it again. I pulled the letter out and reread it. Butterflies overwhelmed my stomach.

Harry Potter,

You're beautiful. Now that's most definitely an understatement. Your emerald green eyes, I find myself getting lost in, are more than a simple word like beautiful. They are a feeling, an emotion, they are you. And I can't help but want more. These feelings towards you are real, but must be hidden. For I fear, only pain will follow. Xx

- Your Secret Admirer.

I read it over and over in my head trying to think of possibilities of who could have written the letter. The writing was beautiful, neat and obvious that this person's soul had been poured into writing it.

Who could it be... I wish I could talk to them.

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