Chapter 15: "The End."

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3rd Person;

The lightness in the setting sky was dimming as Draco gripped Harry's arm tightly while the two boys rushed towards the Great Hall, eager to finished what they had planned to do.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" Draco asked as they continued to walk.

"Positive." The brunette smiled determined.

"Good." They continued and neared the large wooden doors, stopping outside as they reached them.

Draco's hand slid down to Harry's and they leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Let's do this." Harry pushed open the entrance loudly and all eyes were suddenly on them, silence filled the air until the crowd of student and even some teachers, started loud whispering obviously seeing their hands.

Ron and Hermione sat in the corner with smiles on their knowing faces.

"What is the meaning of this interruption?" Dumbledore spoke as he stood up and made his way to the center of the room, his robe dragging lazily on the ground and collecting dirt.

"We have something to say." Harry squeezed Draco's hand for reassurance and calmed when he received it.

"More like something to do." They walked towards Dumbledore as he smiled, somehow knowingly.

"You may proceed." He winked as he sat back down.

Draco and Harry stood still hand in hand at the front of the hall nervously.

Whispers died down as they spoke. "Harry and I are dating." Draco announced loudly.

The room overfilled with confusion, and people thinking this was some joke they were playing on everyone.

"Is this some joke?"
"That's funny really, you two?" The student laughed.
"I don't believe it!"
"Me neither!"
"They're messing with us!"

"Oh shut up!!" Harry grabbed Draco's robe collar and clashed their lips together kissing. Draco was shocked at first but smiled into it.

The Great Hall was dead quiet, no one daring to make a sound.

Draco twisted his tongue sucking on Harry's as the kiss continued for a good minute.

They pulled apart breathing heavily and resting their foreheads against one another smiling.

Their heads turned as a sound caught their attention, a slow clapping sound emitting from somewhere near the Ravenclaw table. A few joined, then more until the whole room was clapping and cheering.

"They weren't kidding!"
"Called it!"
"Cumgrats!" (Yes I changed this bc my previous misspell sounded like cum anyways)

The boy's grins grew bigger as they stepped down from the front bowing in thanks.

All of their worries seemed to disappear after they had said it.

Draco slapped Harry's butt playfully as they walked towards the Gryffindor table, deciding to sit with Harry.

"Did we just do that?" Harry turned and smiled at Draco as they sat down to eat.

"I believe so." Draco smiled back and pecked Harry quickly.

"I love you." Harry muttered nervously.

"I love you too, Harry." The boys kissed again then went in for a hug.

It's funny really that a silly love letter can lead too something so.... Beautiful.


Thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it!

Next I'll be working on finishing other stories I have already started and actually getting my shit together😂

Again, thank you so so much! Xx

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