Chapter 8: "Replying"

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Harry's Pov;

I Harry James Potter, am crushing on Draco Malfoy.

The realization hit me quick and hard like a bullet.

I turned and ran towards my common room. Tracing back each step before mine and Draco's encounter.

There was something I wanted to do. No. Something I needed to do.

I made it back to my room, pulled out my quill and a blank letter, hungrily scribbling down what I needed to say.

Secret Admirer,

I hope you can forgive me, I am so sorry that it took me this long to reply, to realize that it's okay if you're a guy. It's okay. I was unsure of myself, of how I would feel if I really embraced my feelings. How would other people feel if they found out that the 'Chosen One' was indeed gay. That's why no one else other than you can know. Promise me that this can stay between us? I know you may be upset or mad at me and i'll understand if you out me. Again... I'm sorry.

-Harry Potter

I handed Hedwig the letter and she grabbed it in her mouth.

"I know I'm giving you no specific name, because I sadly do not know who this is. But find his owl, you know his scent, and give it to his master." I spoke to her and pet her feathers.

I unhatched the window and pushed it open. She flew out and off into the sky.

"Good luck Hedwig." I whispered once she was out of sight. I really hope she can deliver the letter. She is a very smart bird after all.

I walked over and laid on my four post bed then buried my head into the pillows sighing.

'You.' Echoed through my head.

Was it really my fault that Draco was upset? I hadn't even talked to him since last Fridays Quidditch match.

Maybe he was just messing with me? No.

I shook my head into the pillow then rolled over onto my side. I reached over and grabbed another pillow placing it between my legs and wrapping my arms around it. I pulled it in closer to me and closed my eyes.

He wouldn't pretend to let his guard down around me, he is a Malfoy after all. He wouldn't let anyone see him like that. So why would he let me?

I can't believe I'm stupid enough to be crushing on him, he's my rival since we first came to Hogwarts. The same person that teases me endlessly, gets me in trouble, makes me hate him, yet still manages to make me feel something different and real each time I see his stupid face.

How could I fall for such a snobby brat like him? I groaned into my pillow.

He'll never know. These feelings... No one can know that I like Draco Malfoy. For it will only cause pain to the people around me. I have a destiny to fulfill after all, even if I don't want to fulfill it. I have no choice.

Now that I think about it, maybe these feelings have always been there and I was just to blind to see it. Or maybe I knew and I just pushed them away. I had always had an interest in him, needing to know what he was up to, always watching him out of the corner of my eye, in the great hall, him being the first person I looked for when I walked into a room. He'd be there with his dumb little smirk on, his level of cockiness to the roof. Merlin, It was quite obvious I fancied him.

I squeezed my pillow harder, my chest felt heavy but at the same time... So empty? I can't help but wonder if Draco's okay.


It's really short, sorry!! I hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter of Harry just thinking to himself.

He finally replied again! Hopefully Hedwig can give the letter to Draco!

How will Draco respond? Will he even reply? Or will he admit to who he is? Idk;)

I'm really worried that I'm either making this really longed out or too quick. What do you think? Should I slow it down a bit, speed up or keep it same pace?

Thanks for reading! Xo

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