Chapter 3: "The Third Letter"

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Harry's Pov;

I woke up in an awkward position. My neck was stiff and back aching.

I looked around and soon remembered I was in the library. I must have fallen asleep. I'm surprised no one had woken me, I slept like a baby. I'm just so sore now.

I stood up stretching, a yawn escaping my mouth in the process. I looked down at my watch, then back up when I realized I don't have it on.

My book was sat neatly beside me. Which was... weird. I could have sworn I fell asleep reading it.

I grabbed the book, a red envelope falling out as I accidentally held it upside down.

My heart was about ready to burst out of my chest and run away to Narnia.

I picked up the oh so familiar letter, unfolding and reading it.

Harry Potter,

I saw that you fell asleep here, and couldn't help notice that even when you're sleeping you're as beautiful as ever. I sat your book beside you, as you now already know. Try not to be late for dinner, i'll see you there my love. Xx

Your Secret Admirer

I stared at the still so neatly written words.

They were here. Right here. And I was sleeping.

Think Harry. Think. Who was it?

A memory filled my head. The warmth of another body, a whisper of sweet words and a gentle kiss against my forehead.

I cuddled this person. How do you half asleep cuddle someone without noticing? This guy. I knew his gender now... The build of this person was muscular. Nothing like any of the girls at Hogwarts. It had to be a guy. But I'm not gay right?

I walked towards the great hall mentally debating with myself.

The halls were quiet so I assumed that everyone was already eating dinner.

I walked into the Great Hall, all eyes on me as I approached my friends and sat down, catching a quick glance towards Slytherin table to see if a certain blonde was there. He was and seemed uninterested that I had entered.

"Where have you been?!" Hermione yelled at me but was also concerned.

"I had to do some research for Dumbledore and fell asleep." I lied.

"We were worried about you, you could have owled. " Ron piped in.

"Sorry" I laughed quietly.

I dug into my meal hungrily. I had missed lunch and was starving. A few eyes giving me questioning glances but then returned to their own plates.

After a lot of food and small talk later I excused myself and stood up, Ron and Hermione following me.

At the same time Malfoy had stood up and was exiting the Great hall. Our paths, somehow always synced, crossed at the door.

The cocky blonde bumped into my shoulder and stopped, giving me his usual sneer.

"Watch where you're going Potter." He paused. "you get enough people on their knees for you as is. All you need to do is ask." Malfoy whispered the last part and walked away not saying another word.

What's that supposed to mean? Whatever.

"I got to hand it to Malfoy, after all these years and he still hasn't learned to shut his damn trap." Ron fake complimented him. I laughed at that and we continued walking to the common room.

Hermione said the password and we walked in. I instantly sat in the chair near the fire and sighed in content.

"So are you ready Harry?" Hermione sat on the couch beside the chair.

"Ready?" I looked at her confused. Ready for what?

"To get caught up on what you missed in class today, of course!" She smiled and pulled out a large stack of text books and parchment paper.

I groaned but nodded. There was no point in arguing, she always won and besides I needed to be caught up.

I moved to sit beside her on the couch. "What first?" I asked.

"Let's start with transfiguration. Today we learned the difference between a transformation and an illusion cast on you by another magic user. I wrote down detailed notes on everything the professor said, some of my own words too of course. First step is to-" Hermione Babbled on and on and on and on.

It was going to be a long night.

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