Chapter 2: Insperation and Deadlines

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Here we are lovelies, the second chapter.

A problem to most story writers is the insperation they have for it. They lose the insperation for it, get bored of it, forget about the story, hate the thing the wrote or they grow out for it. It can be hard to continue something you hate but thats what going back to redo to improve it.
Well creating ideas is easy; use dreams, everyday life, a cool ass rp you had(i've had some cool ones). Well before you forget them in the day write them down somewhere, anywhere; hand, paper, pc notepad thing, walls.... okay maybe not your walls but you get what I mean.

Another thing I see in some books is deadlines, I find this kinda stupid. It's a lot of stress to deal with you may have other  things to do and stress about. Unforunatly my ecto bro had trouble with deadlines which began to effect how she worked in school and her grades fell due to this. No offence to those that using a deadline, which helps them.

To this effect of deadlines, please take your time readers. Never rush to meet a certain deadline, take your time im writing and enjoy it. Also be kind to writers they took their time in writing the fic for you to read, don't hassle them to hurry up. Be patient.


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