Chapter 1

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chapter 1

"hey." said a smiling Ryan. My insides melted and I found my self looking gormless and, as usual around Ryan, blushing.  

"h-h-hi!" I said back staring hopelessly.  

Ryan sat in his seat in front of me next to his lab partner Megan.  

"hey Ollie!" said Justin, he's my lab partner, but he pretty much sucks at science, oh and did I mention he's famous? Yeah he's Justin Bieber. He moved back to our school about 4 months ago to do his final year, he left 3 years ago to get famous, but before that I'd say he was pretty quiet and now? He's a loud mouth, cocky know it all.  

"hi Justin." I said hoping he wasn't in a cocky mood.  

"so, We ready to boss some science today?" he said popping his imaginary collar. I sniggered at him and put my hair into a pony tail and put on my science glasses.  

"what?" he asked shocked.  

"you mean YOU mess up, then I fix it and then WE get an A." I laughed opening my book.

"hey Ol, do you know what 5 means?" said Ryan as he scratched his head.  

"it's erm I- it's hydro-hydrochloric acid." I said blushing and pushing the hair off my face.  

"thanks." said Ryan as he turned back around and continued his work.  

"smooth." laughed Justin.  

"what?" I hissed. 

"oh nothing." he laughed.  

"tell me!" I demanded as I pulled off my glasses. 

"well you couldn't make it more obvious." he scoffed.  

"shut up." I said putting my glasses back on and continuing our experiment.  

"I can talk to him for you? We're good friends, mind, what would Chaz say? What WOULD Chaz say ey?" laughed Justin. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I squealed.  

"well I doubt your cousin would be pleased about you being madly in love with his best friend?" whispered Justin into my ear. I gulped and tried to think of a lie, but I couldn't deny that Justin had singlehandedly tapped into my biggest worries.  

"you okay Olivia? You look like you've seen a ghost?" laughed Ryan.  

"she's fine bro!" laughed Justin. "aren't you ol?"  

"yup." I said nervously.  

"anyway, you still coming to that family barbecue at Chaz's tonight?" Justin asked Ryan all "bro-like".  

"yeah yeah of course!" laughed Ryan. 

"Ollie, you'll be there too right?" asked Justin grinning at me.  

"suppose so." I said trying not to sound too panicky.  

"oh cool!" said Ryan smiling. "anyway I've gotta finish up my evaluation, see you at lunch Justin and I'll see you tonight Olivia?" smiled Ryan ever so smoothly as he turned around back to Megan, lucky bitch. Getting placed with Ryan! He's smart, funny, cute and smooooth. Whereas I'm stuck here with Justin, mr douche.  

"speaking of evaluations, how's ours coming along?" asked Justin cheekily snapping me out of my ryan day dreams.  

"it's finished, but you're washing up this time." I snapped handing him our equipment and grinning. He groaned loudly and took it to the sink and made a huge task of cleaning and putting away like 4 things.  

Runner up {a Justin Bieber and Ryan Butler story}Where stories live. Discover now