Chapter 6

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Wah so I know I haven't updated for a while and if you don't care why just go on and read the chapter but if you're interested in why and my chapter question then read this! Well basically I has been very busy. As you may know it's my last few months of school and that meant we had a fashion show to raise money for prom but I couldn't be in it because I had a meeting for the trip to italy I go on in 5 weeks but when parking outside my school on Thursday we got crashed into and it was hectic ect and I have whiplash and it caused a lot of trouble but the Italy meeting was exciting and funny for me and my friend who's going and the fashion show was hilarious and some boys in our year covered what makes you beautiful as they are known as a group by the name of wrong direction so it was really funny and they sang to an old teacher and some nerd sang olly murrs to the prettiest girls in our year. But now I've got my mock exams and my final art exam prep and so so so so much shit has gone down with my friends and I had a tiny mental breakdown (probably don't wanna know about that) but all the while I wrote this! And Ive started a couple of one shots which you guys should request then I'll post loads of them together when I get a chance... And I entered a competition for hitthelightsx and won so I have a chapter and character in her story hey little miss - check it out, shes the dedicated girl^^^^ anywhoo the question I would love you guys to answer is more of you requesting sooo you can totally choose no but just read the end.....

Chapter 6

"So what was it like?" Anna asked me looking starry-eyed. I rolled my eyes and laughed at the image of her and Justin leaning so intently over the table. I began telling the whole story with little thoughts and laughs from them every few seconds.

"Is that it?" Anna said raising her eyebrows.

"what do you mean?" I said becoming worried.

"like, has he text you or...?" Anna began to question.

"No no, he's busy on Saturdays nights, he always babysits and it's amazing that he even had credit to talk to you the other day! He's always on Imessenger, you should add him on that!" Justin explained like it was obvious.

"won't I look like a weirdo?" I scoffed.

"Here, give me you're phone. I'll pretend I need to talk to him so I added him on your phone!" Justin said as he quickly grabbed my iPhone and began typing and clicking.

"So do you think he likes you?" Anna said looking really interested.

"I-I don't know." I sighed truthfully.

"He will soon." Justin said as he handed me my phone and then stood up.

"where are you-" I began to ask.

"I have to go meet chris brown, so if you'll excuse me, I'll see you both tomorrow. Good luck Ol." he laughed then nudged me on the shoulder and walked away from our table in burger king.

As soon as Justin was out of burger king a huge grin appeared on Anna's face.

"what?" I laughed at her.

"He's so hot! Don't you think?" she asked bitting her lip.

"I- I suppose." I stuttered, it was weird to think about Justin like that.

"it's a shame though." She sighed.

"What is?" I laughed feeling confused, it's like everyone's talking in riddle lately!

"that he's already fallen for someone." She said like it was obvious.

"How can you tell?" I scoffed imagining Justin in a serious relationship.

"You are so oblivious." She laughed and then got up.

"What are you taking about? And where are we going now?!" I sighed and then coughed.

"Are you okay Ol?" Anna asked looking worried.

"No! I told you an hour ago I felt ill but you were too busy boggling Justin!" I laughed.

"can you blame me really?! And okay come on let's get you home!" she said as she pinched my cheeks like a baby.

"you know I'm not sure how you can spend soo much time with Justin without drooling and falling madly in love with him." Anna sighed as she pulled up to my house.

"see you at school tomorrow." I laughed as I shut her car door after climbing out.

I sniffled as I walked into my house, I could feel it brewing, illness. Big time.

"come on Olivia! Get up hun, I'm going to be late." My mother said through her teeth, she was trying to be patient but she struggled and it showed.

"erghh!" I wheezed, I felt so ill and disgusting.

"oh come on, you'll be fine once you're up" she said as she always did when I protested and I knew all my fighting was useless. My mother demanded hard evidence if I was going to dent my attendance percentage from it's usual 100%

I sat up ready to explain my symptoms but they soon explained themselves as I threw up all over my floor - and my moms shiny shoes.

"sorry." I gushed as I got out of my bed and ran into my bathroom to throw up some more.

"just er get back into bed and if you're gonna be sick do it in the toilet or this bucket." she said handing me a bucket. She'd cleaned my floor and changed her shoes and I could tell, even though she was slightly sympathetic, she was really annoyed about being late for work.

"bye mom." I tried to smile as I sniffled and got into my bed. It was usual for me to get a cold or be sick but whenever I was it was the full deal. "Well if you're going, go big. Is" was my dads usual slogan to it but he'd headed off a little before I'd woken up to go run his morning fitness class and then he'd shower and go to the gym where he trained people for money, he's always been a fitness freak despite his average body size.

"Faking off today looser?" Alice asked sarcastically as she popped her head round the side of my door.

"yep." I replied back winking at her, I wish I was faking though that'd mean I didn't feel so craptpy McCrap crap crap.

"Well err I'm actually going away in, approximately, 30 seconds for the week with Brock for band stuff!" She sighed happily.

"Guess I'm home alone then?" I laughed as she looked around impatiently, I could tell she was eager to leave. I heard a honk beep outside and her face lit up.

"Well Brocks here, see you in a week looser, get well soon and stuff." She laughed and then bounced out my room and down stairs and then I heard the door quickly open and shut. At last, alone.


Okay so question is would you guys like/enter a competition to be a character in or write a chapter for this or any other of my story and which story and which would you rather win? If I get a good response I'll think up a good one but I look silly if no one enters :((((

Runner up {a Justin Bieber and Ryan Butler story}Where stories live. Discover now