Chapter 4

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SUPRISEEEE!! Well here is chapter 4 and I'm gonna update ALL my stories this week up to christmas because I'm off school now! Well vote and comment please and I'm open to any suggestions or even just general chat cause I love all my fans :3 and if I haven't managed to update or you haven't read it before then, MERRY CHRISTMAS LOOSERS.

Chapter 4

"see you tomorrow at 11 then?" Anna asked as she got into her dad's car after a few hours of revamping my wardrobe.  

"of course I'll be there! My dads the coach!" I laughed back.  

"of course and text me." she said as she shut the door and her dad drove off. 

I shut the front door and walked upstairs and collapsed on my bed. I was about to let myself sleep when my phone began to vibrate causing my bag to buzz and move. I sighed then sat up and pulled it out.  

5 texts.  

'oh god I'm knackered after sorting all that! anna x' 

'Anna told me about your makeover! Eeepp! I'm so excited to see it! xxxx 

farah ' 

'tidy up and tell your sister to make tea, love you, mom xxx'  

'I hope I was some help today and oh Anna approved? Justin :) x'  

And then my phone showed a number I didn't know. I hesitated as I opened the text wondering who it could be.  

Please be Ryan. Please be Ryan. Please be Ryan.  

'hey sorry if I said anything stupid last night, I cant really remember. 

Ryan x' 


"AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed happily.  

"what's the matter?" my sister questioned out of breath as she burst into my room worriedly.  

"oh nothing." I grinned widely.  

"you're so weird." she snarled.  

"mom said make tea." I said still grinning wildly.  

"whatever." Alice sighed as she slammed my door.  

I kept on my grin as I went to reply first to Anna then to Farah and then to my mom and then I told Justin. I pressed send to Justin's reply 

then went to type a reply to Ryan but realised I had no idea what to say. Crap. I clicked on Justin's name then pressed dial. 

"Justin?" I said as he finally answered.  

"I'm er kinda busy, be quick Oll." Justin laughed as I heard herds of 

girls screaming in the back ground.  

"Ryan text me." I laughed. "are you at a concert?"  

"yeah I'm about to go on and oh my god! I wonder how he got your 

number!" Justin shouted over the crowd. 

"I don't know and I don't care!" I giggled.  

"okay calm the crazy! What did he say?" Justin laughed.  

"he said 'sorry if I said anything stupid last night, I can't really remember.'" I said dreamily down the phone grinning.  

"any kisses." he asked analytically.  

"just one. What do I say back?" I said back as I twiddled my free hand.  

"say something like 'it's okay, you were really funny'!" Justin laughed. 

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