Kingdom Of Immortality & Me

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  • Dedicated to White Angel


 “The day the sun is completely embraced by the moon and the moment the sun reveals its first ray of light a child from heaven will dawn on earth to defeat the one who holds the dark mark of curse over his heart.”

Rebellion among the kingdom spread and people close to the king started being missing, it was a tough time, when the queen gave birth to a baby the king decided to hide its existence so the baby was sent away with the midwife. After few days the king was found dead and the queen was nowhere to be found. But before the king died he entrusted his advisor with the secret birth of his child……


I was brought up in orphanage. We had classes that taught us how to be a lady; how to walk like a lady, how to talk like a lady. Extremely boring stuff. I hated it! Specially Madam Ponfriese class, she was a huge lady, over accessorized, she walked with a stick and she had this irritating habit of tapping her stick when she entered the classroom, when someone was doing something wrong, before she wanted to speak, on every student’s desk, on every window’s sill, almost all the time it bugged me horribly.

Now Ria don’t slouch! A lady should always be “Gentle as breeze and tough as a panther”, that was the all time favorite sentence of Madam Ponfreise.

Anyways I suppose I was surviving my life okay. Until one night my only friend got adopted I was so happy for her, but there was something burning inside me, always there had been.

Something I never thought of understanding. It felt as if it is beyond my understanding. But it surely made me feel hollow especially at nights. No matter I am in a crowd or alone that feeling somehow finds me every night, I felt horrible so I started trying to escape that feeling by escaping from orphanage right after bedtime. No one knew about this, there was a forest at the back of the orphanage we sometimes wander there during the daytime, there was a beautiful lake. So I spent some time there after escaping orphanage, the silence soothes me.

To some people silence is scary to others breaking of silence is scary……

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