3. Fate

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Bella POV

We've been in Hawaii for a week and it's time to go home. The trip was quick, yet relaxing. Our time was spent on the beach sipping piña coladas, or at fancy dinners, or in our room have sex and more sex. It's also been quite emotional. I find that every time I have a moment to think about my relationship I cry. I'm just so overwhelmed with the amount of love I have for Tyler. Often, I feel drowned by my thoughts and feelings.

I feel like I can't tell or show Tyler how much I love him. It can't be put into words or actions. All I want is Tyler to understand my feelings, even though I think he already does.

Sometime I catch him in a really emotional moment. A few nights ago, I woke up to him just watching me sleep. I could tell he has tears in his eyes even though he denied it.

For the past day he's been distant. We are on a plane to Brampton right now and he's sitting next to me. Even when I'm in his arms there is this strange distant vibe that I get.

"Everyone please fasten your seat belts. We will be beginning our descend into Toronto in a few minutes" the loud speaker woke Tyler up.

"You ready to see your family Ty?", he nodded his head then looked back to his lap. I sighed not understanding why he had been so quiet. Usually he never shuts up.


We arrived at Tyler's parent's home and he was still acting weird. He was easily hiding what ever was bothering him from of his family.

It was around dinner time so Paul had brought Tyler into the yard to talk while he finished grilling the steaks he was making. Jackie pulled me into the kitchen to talk as she made the vegetables.

"Sweetie, what's going on between you two? Something is off and I'm not entirely sure that it's bad", Jackie questioned me.

Over the past few months she'd become a second mother to me. I would call her on the phone and talk for hours. Tyler's family always made me feel so comfortable.

I just shrugged, "Hawaii was a lot of fun." I tried to change the topic because I really had no idea what to say.

"Ohhh Bella. I know you and I know my son", she rubbed my shoulders as I put my head in my hands at the kitchen table.

I lifted my head to look at her, not worrying about the tears streaming down my face.

"I love him. I love him so much that I don't even know how to tell him. I can't even show him. I just know that I love him. I get chest pain when I think about trying to tell him how much he means to me." I paused to look at her.

"I know what's happening and so do you. Get it all off your chest before I try to explain it", her eyes were glossy.

I took a deep breath and continued,"he's been so distant. I feel like he's getting the same feelings. Something as simple as making eye contact makes me weak and I just want to be with him all the time. If he is in the other room I feel like I'm missing a piece of my heart. I don't know what I'm going to do when the season starts back up. And if he's feeling the same way, is this even a healthy relationship?"

I was really debating whether or not this was healthy. I've seen couples who are in love, their relationship doesn't look like ours.

"Oh honey it's very healthy. You are just realizing how much you love each other. Of course it's going to be overwhelming and emotional, but you will get through it. I've never seen my son act like this and I was so scared that I'd never see it. I'm happy you guys have each other. Everything is going to work itself out because you love each other. Trust me.", Jackie always knew the right thing to say.

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