13. So Much Better

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Brielle POV

"Jamie please talk to me. Something is really bothering you and you need to let me take care of you", I continued to rub his back as he buried his face into his pillow. Bella was right when she said that things wouldn't get better with a lack of communication, so we had to talk about this now.

I sighed and laid down next to Jamie. I pulled one arm out from under his head and draped it over my waist. Then I slid my arm underneath his body and squeezed myself a little underneath the side of his body. I was trying to force him to look at me.

"Baby please. I would leave you alone, but that isn't good for either of us", I kissed his cheek.

He turned his head to me to reveal his pale, tear stained face. I didn't know he was crying and my stomach instantly dropped.

"Oh sweetheart", I whispered and pulled him into a hug. He hid his face in my neck I felt the tears start up again.

"I'm sorry", Jamie mumbled.

What could he possibly be sorry about? He was feeling so guilty about something, but I had no idea what it was.

"For what baby?", I squeezed him a little tighter causing him to try to get out of my hold. I felt my face drop and a sting in my chest. Whenever something was wrong he would let me comfort him.

"I'm going to just get this over with", he paused. I could feel my heart beat increase speed. Those words didn't sound good at all. "We have to break up", the words that I never thought would leave Jamie's mouth just did.

My throat tightened and my face burned as the tears just poured out of my eyes. I thought I was going to throw up and pass out at the same time. Jamie wouldn't make eye contact with me as he just played with his fingers.

"Why Jamie?", I chock out.

He didn't answer me.

"I didn't know there was a problem", I mumbled.

"Because I don't deserve an amazing women like you. You are too good for me. Brielle, you want a family and of course I can give you the children. But, the family aspect I'm not sure of. I go away multiple times a month and it's not fair for me to leave you alone with our kids. I can't always be there for you like you are for me, so I have to leave you", Jamie spoke quickly with no emotion.

I just shook my head trying to process what he's saying.

"No Jamie, that's not fair. You can't make those decisions for me. I've thought about these things already. I know what I'm getting myself into, but I love you. So, I'm going to fight to be with you. I'm not just going to give up", tears were still streaming down my face.

I didn't know if I was more angry or sad. I was upset that he feels this way, but so angry at him for not wanting to try. I would never be able to forgive myself if I just let him leave. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

Jamie just shook his head and let go. He looked up avoiding my eyes, "You can do so much better than me Brielle. You deserve a better man than I could ever be".

"Jamie stop lying to yourself. You know that I need you", all I really wanted to do was hold him and tell him that he was so wrong. I wanted him to believe me.

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