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rapmonhasjams: YOUR NEW COVER

rapmonhasjams: WOW

rapmonhasjams: WOW


rapmonhasjams: WOW

likeabutterfly: haha

likeabutterfly: thanks

likeabutterfly: i just really like that song

rapmonhasjams: Heaven by Ailee?

likeabutterfly: yeah

likeabutterfly: its really pretty although it was hard to do because she sings really high

rapmonhasjams: it was beautiful

rapmonhasjams: like you ;)

likeabutterfly: omg shut up

likeabutterfly: that was horrible

rapmonhasjams: but its true

likeabuttefly: no its not

rapmonhasjams: are we seriously having this argument again

likeabutterfly: no because im right and youre wrong

likeabutterfly: theres nothing to argue about

rapmonhasjams: i disagree

likeabutterfly: idc

rapmonhasjams: :'(

likeabutterfly: >:)

rapmonhasjams: youre so mean :(

likeabutterfly: i know :)

likeabutterfly: but omfg the dance to Dope

likeabutterfly: how

likeabutterfly: i wish i could dance like that

rapmonhasjams: that one is really cool

likeabutterfly: its my favorite dance

rapmonhasjams: whats your favorite song?

likeabutterfly: Like You by Evanescence ;)

rapmonhasjams: GASP


likeabutterfly: haha nope but they have amazing music too

likeabutterfly: somewhere just below that is Boy in Luv with a lot of other songs cuz i suck at making choices

rapmonhasjams: wow okay

likeabutterfly: hey completely diff topic

likeabutterfly: but we should totally do a video call sometime

rapmonhasjams: i guess

likeabutterfly: you dont sound very enthusiastic

likeabutterfly: if you dont wanna do it you can tell me...

rapmonhasjams: noits not taht

rapmonhasjams: *no its not that

rapmonhasjams: i just dont want you to change the way you think of me when you see me

likeabutterfly: why would i do that

rapmonhasjams: cuz im probably not who you expect me to be

likeabutterfly: i have no reason to change my way of thinking of you

rapmonhasjams: do you promise that if we do a vid call you wont change the way you think of me

likeabutterfly: i mean i'll probs stop imagining you as Rap Mon cuz i'll know what you look like

rapmonhasjams: XD

likeabutterfly: but aside from that\

likeabutterfly: yeah i can promise

rapmonhasjams: cool

rapmonhasjams: wanna do it next week?

likeabutterfly: yES

rapmonhasjams: GOOD

rapmonhasjams: now go to sleep

rapmonhasjams: i know its past midnight for you

likeabutterfly: damn i was hoping you wouldnt realize

rapmonhasjams: of course i would realize

likeabutterfly: k bye then

rapmonhasjams: byeeeee

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