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likeabutterfly: bleaaeeeehhjm

rapmonhasjams: you okay?

likeabutterfly: noooooooooooooo

rapmonhasjams: what happened don't die pls

likeabutterfly: ii haaaabd mu ntain duuuu

rapmonhasjams: ?

likeabutterfly: iim o oay

rapmonhasjams: are you drunk

rapmonhasjams: are you even allowed to drink

likeabutterfly: yeeee but i dindddt

likeabutterfly: i just uufeel weeiurhld

rapmonhasjams: Butterfly go to sleep

likeabutterfly: oooiklayyy

rapmonhasjams: you need to calm down and sleep and stay safe

likeabutterfly: eehhh duuwew t stead wweirdddd

rapmonhasjams: Ray you need to sleep

rapmonhasjams: are you at home

likeabutterfly: yeeyeeeessss

rapmonhasjams: alright

rapmonhasjams: go to bed and sleep

likeabutterfly: kkkayayy

rapmonhasjams: goodnight

likeabutterfly: byy eee ikly

rapmonhasjams: stay safe

likeabutterfly: nnnaaaaamamjoooon

rapmonhasjams: what?

likeabutterfly: dooo uu loove m

likeabutterfly: d yu nit waaannnnna tlk too me

likeabutterfly: yiu pprobbs hhhaaavve a nnice preeeeettyy giiirll aat hmeee

rapmonhasjams: Ray what are you talking about

likeabutterfly: theeerssss gooott to b ssommene bette thn meh

likeabutterfly: yyouuu wouuulddnnt waannt mee

rapmonhasjams: Ray please go to bed

rapmonhasjams: you're drunk

likeabutterfly: wwwwhyyyy dos noooneeee looe mee

rapmonhasjams: Ray


likeabutterfly: WHY YY DOONT OUU LOOOV M E

rapmonhasjams: Ray

rapmonahasjams: Ray I care. I do. There's no one else like you in my life. That's why you need to stay safe. I'm worried about you. Please go to sleep and rest.

likeabutterfly: yooo diidnt saay ou lovve mee

likeabutterfly: tll mee u lobe me aand thenn ill goo

rapmonhasjams: Ray

likeabutterfly: TELL MEE

rapmonhasjams: I love you

rapmonhasjams: Ray?

rapmonhasjams: did you go to sleep?

rapmonhasjams: alright then. stay safe. sleep well

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