How she died inside

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*Warning very dark and sad chapter.


New Orleans, 1812

"You are just the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, yes you are, yes you are, my beautiful boy" I cooed to my son as I dressed him in his sleep wear.

"When you grow up, all the women will be after you, but remember my love, they will never love you as much I do" I told him seriously, while he merely giggled in return.

My son my beautiful Emmett, he was such a happy child always grinning and laughing, except when he was hungry believe me you never wanted to meet a hungry Emmett, yet even cranky he was adorable.

Emmett let out a large yawn, his eyes watering due to tiredness I guess it was nap time for my sweet boy.

I picked Emmett up cradling him in my arms as I sat down on the oak rocking chair in his nursery, as I hummed his special lullaby.

Emmett stared at me with his bright green eyes that were the exact shade as mine, he had a tuft of dark raven hair also like mine, but his face was all his fathers. Beneath his chubby jaws you could see the makings of a strong jaw line, his little straight nose and the way he frowned made him look the spit of my husband Charles.

At nine months old he was already a handsome charmer like his father, every maid, female friend and family member wrapped around his tiny finger.

I rocked softly singing the lullaby helping him drift off to sleep, many people my mother included said I spoiled Emmett, as when he was born I refused to use a wet nurse and I always made sure I put him to sleep as I wanted to be the last face he saw before drifting off to sleep. I rarely used a nanny to help me with Emmett as I didn't want to miss a single thing, if that meant I spoiled him then so be it.

Emmett smiled at me his bright eyes piercing mine as he tried to fight of sleep, I giggled when his small mouth formed a little pout but soon enough tiredness overtook my little boy and he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

I stood from the rocking chair carefully placing him into his cot, placing the blankets over him lightly, I leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead, grinning as Emmett let out a sigh of contentment.

"I love you my sweet boy" I whispered running my fingers through his wisps of hair.

"You spoil him" a voice spoke from the doorway making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Don't tease Charlie. These nine months have gone by so quickly before we know it he will be fully grown and ready to leave home" I pouted turning to face my handsome husband.

"Then we will have another and another, how ever many you want Giselle. Then when all of our ten children are grown we will have lots and lots of grandchildren, running around" Charles spoke, wrapping his hands around my waist pulling me towards his tall frame.

Charles Dupre was perfect; no other words described him, with his strong jaw, high cheekbones, dark blue eyes, soft curly auburn hair and pearly white grin. He was tall so tall that I barley reached his shoulder god was my husband handsome.

I had known Charles since I was a child, we started courting when I was fifteen, and were married a week after my sixteenth birthday where I went from Giselle Claire to Giselle Dupre, Emmett was born soon after.

Unlike other men from non-magical families Charles didn't care that I was a witch, most men were either disgusted or intimidated, Charles said he loved every part of me including my magic, not that I used my powers much these days, I only used my magic when my coven needed me.

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