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"How did you know about Peggy?" Steve asked once we were outside of one of Sam's meetings.
"Peggy and I never lost contact. I just wanted you to be ready." Steve faced Caroline and giving her a kiss on the lips.
"Look who it is.. The running man and his girl." They both pulled away from their kiss while Caroline wiped the bottom of her lips and Steve was blushing.
"We caught the last few minutes, It's pretty intense."
"Yeah, brother. We all got the same problems.. Guilt, regret.." Sam told the couple.
"You lose someone?" Steve asked
"My wingman, Riley, Fly in the night mission. A standard PJ rescue op, nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before, 'till RPG knock Riley's dumb ass out of the sky..... Nothing I could do. It's like I was up there just to watch."
"I'm sorry. I can relate, my mother died and there wasn't anything that I could do. She died and I lost myself along the way."
"Sorry for your loss, there is nothing like a mother's love. After Riley, I had a really hard tome finding a reason for being over there, you know?"
"But you're happy now, back in the world?"
"Hey, the number of people giving me orders is down to about zero. So, hell yeah. You thinking about getting out?"
"No," Steve whispered," I don't know to be honest, I don't know what I would do with myself if I did." Reaching down he grabbed Caroline's hand while she intertwined her fingers with his.
"Ultimate fighting?" Sam joked while they both laughed.
"It's just a great idea off the top of my head. But seriously, you could do whatever you want to do, what makes you happy?"
Steve looked down to Caroline who was oblivious to his gaze . Steve wouldn't happy if he hadn't found Caroline, she was like his anchor. He knew while he was with Caroline, he would feel in control.
Caroline was just smiling at Sam , but Sam saw the way Steve looked at her like she was his puzzle piece. Like before all of this, they were both just wandering souls looking for one another.
"Oh, I see" Sam chuckled.
Caroline just stared in confusion, she looked over to Steve and connected to his eyes and made Caroline feel like she was on cloud nine. Caroline tried to hide behind Steve which made the trio chuckle.
Steve and Caroline walked up the stairs once they were inside their apartment building. He took out his keys from his pocket while they both shared a smile.