Chapter 3: News all over the place

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We went around the town went to our old park where he would take me. We talked about life. My Uncles and him are planning to go on a mini tour in America over our summer break. All was well and I enjoyed my father daugther day, until the questioning part. I guess my dad figured out something was wrong so that was one thing I wanted to avoid but couldn't.

*New Chapter 3*

“Chris is there something that you want to tell me about what was going on with you these past two weeks?” He asks taking slow bits of his large ice cream bowl that we bought from the ice cream shop around the corner. “Dad it really is nothing... just my mind, body, and heart is changing I didn't know where I was going into the future from where I lost myself.Through the weeks I just needed to show myself as a girl not someone hiding beneath her boy clothes.” He nods his head humming something in the back of his throat before saying “You're lying you avert your eyes everytime you lie and by avert you turn the opposite way to make sure i don't see it or you close your eyes. Chris trust me, I am your father, I am here to protect you, what really happened?” I knew I had to tell him sooner or later, but the idea and the thought of it hurt me to no end, but I needed to let someone in and know the truth other than mom. “Okay, dad, just please let me finish saying what I have to say before you jump and try to kill people.” I look over to him to catch him nodding his head. “Well I have liked Andy for a while, but that comes later on. You remember Derek, my boyfriend, well I caught him cheating on me with someone and, well I ran into Andy and passed out from exhaustion, so he took me to his house. I slept for I don't remember how long, when I came down I asked him for a ride home he blew up on me to I just ran home.  Then the rape happened and I figured if the guy I like doesn't like me and my boyfriend cheated on me, that I need to change and become someone that they both would want and fall over. So far Aunty Jennys and Ma's idea is working. I have luck on my side for not becoming pregnant when I was raped so I am going to become the person that I need to be to move up in the music field.” My dad looked at me in shock before pulling me into a hug,kissing the top of my head saying “I am not ready for my little girl to grow up, but you are, and I support you in whatever you do as long as it is not drugs and a secret tattoo.” that comment just made me laugh. We pick up or forgotten ice cream and left for home.

Getting home I see Uncle Liams truck in the driveway. Wiping my eyes I  told dad I am going into the woods for a while to breathe and calm my tears before coming in.  Making my way around back I sneak farther into the woods before finding the tree house my mom and I built when I was little, but it wasn't one of the kiddy tree houses, no it could be an actual home. It span across 5 trees. Three trees hold the main, and the other two hold smaller ones, they are all connected with rope bridges. It was a place where I could get away from everything and just be myself. No pressure just nature calming me and letting loose anger and stress out. Climbing up the small staircase that leads to the main home of the tree house I crawl in and sit on the window chair. Leaning my head against the window I look out the back toward the woods, where a small pond is on the other side.

*Niall's P.O.V.(Chris's dad)*

“Hey everybody we are home!” I scream out when I walk in, after Chris told me she was going to the tree house. “Hey baby, Liam and Andy are  in the other room watching the game. Me and Jenny are going to finish up the snacks and then we will be out.” She says before kissing my cheek as I pass to join the rest of the boys in the living. Coming in I find Andy on the loveseat, Liam is sitting on the couch. Saying hey to both of them and sit in the lazy boy recliner. “Hey Andy i know you don't like hanging out with the parents that much. Chris is out in the tree house, how about you go and hang out for a little bit.” He looks at me like I was crazy for a second, before he nods his head and leaves the room. “Oh, thank god, I thought he would never leave.” Jenny says as her and  Lex walk into the room.  “What are you talking about Jenny? Andy is a good kid.” I say. “It's not like that Niall. You see, Andy got a tatoo without us knowing about it.  It was in Latin, which was hard translate, but the thing that helped me figure out what it meant was a small structure beside it. It was shaped like a Crystal. Ni, I think Andy likes Chris!”  Liam exasperates. “That can't be true Liam, Chris just told me how Andy yelled at her the other day for a ride home and how they avoided each other at all costs. Why would Andy have her name on him anyway, if he was avoiding or mad at her.”  “ Ni, it adds up. Andy taking care of Chris when he broke up with her ex, him playing the piano at the talent show and dedicating it to the girl her likes and that he was sorry, him avoiding her at school, Chris changing, Ni, it makes sense that our daughter and their son are in love. I love you for trying to keep her in the little innocent girl, but she is not anymore. Let her grow out and show the world what she is made of.” Says Lex, alright then, I say before pulling her into my lap the bowl of chips landing in her lap where she starts to feed me.

*Chris's P.O.V.*

Looking out that window I don't know how long, but the sun was just about to start setting when the door to the tree house opened and closed. Turning I find Andy standing there looking at me. “What do you want Andy, here to make fun of me,yell at me, question me?” I say. “Look Chris, I am up here to say sorry for how I have been acting these last couple of weeks. I know I can't take everything back, but the least you could do is forgive me. Chris we are going on a vacation in the next month and I want us to be comfortable enough again where you can come to me for anything.”he says, his voice sounding hurt.  “Andy, I just don't know anymore. You see with all things that have happened to me, I just wish some things were different, but you need to go after the girl you are after and I need to sort out my head with all this. Andy I don't know if you knew this, but I had a crush on you,but when you yelled at me for a simple car ride and then avoided me, I just couldn't take it anymore, my second song at the talent show was for you, and I meant what the lyrics said, So foolish of me to wait for you to realize/All the things I gave you, made you,/Changed you, your dreams came true/When I met you, now forget you,

Don't want anymore, the lyrics were me saying I give up on the cursh about you, you came out about your secret, you found a girl you love, and I know I am not a par-” I am cut off by a soft lips on mine. I kiss back with all my power the love that I had,but I broke away turning around, hiding my face as the tears came down. “Chris, if you haven't notice out of all my girlfriends what was one thing that I needed to date them? I needed your permission for me to date them.  I needed you to know everything that went on. Remember you were the only person besides my family that knew about my piano playing. Everyday I find something about you that surprises me and makes me fall for you even more.” A hand is set on my shoulder and turns me around to face him. “Chris I don't know about you, but I am in love with you, I am sorry for hurting you the way I did. I don't how you look or act. I love how you can make me feel all these different things inside me that I don't know how to hold in.” he says,his voice breaking slightly. “Andy, I don't know, I was trying to get over you, but I can't. I would love to go back to how we were, but we both have changed. I just don't know anymore.” I say tears coming to my eyes again. Andy's warm hands come up cupping my cheeks wiping away the tears.  “Chris I know this is weird even from all the emotions around, I have to say one thing and ask one question. Chris I am in love with you have been since I was about 14, and my question is... If you will have me I would love to be your boyfriend and take care of you, even if you want to keep your new style and attitude.”

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