The Signs:

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The Signs: Love Horoscope  {Sagittarius-Pisces} 

Sagittarius Love Horoscope: You may not be in a relationship right now, but when you are it will start off slow! DO NOT RUSH IT!! It will start slow then develop into and active and exciting relationship! You need to have an open mind and while looking out for a good significant other you must'n judge them from the outside and judge there inside because the inside is who they truly are. Remember that they may not always be the kindest or most faithful partner but you gotta be confident and patient with picking your partner. 

Tip: Be confident and don't be to picky but also do not settle. 

Capricorn Love Horoscope: Your love for that special someone in your life is strong and passionate, but as of right now they're being a bit closed off around you. To get them to try and open up to you more, try to give them their personal space but also be there for them at the same time. Do not be overbearing to you partner, but be sure to let em know that your still there. (TBH: Capricorns can really achieve this. It can be a challenge for the other signs) 

Tip: Smile at your significant other, often :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 

Aquarius Love Horoscope: Key word for you Aquarius's is: Determination!  Maybe things are tense between you and your partner, but Aquarius's are known to be very relentless and hella stubborn. Keep up the kindness and be forgiving of your significant other if they are giving you a hard time, It 's hard for them too. 

Tip: Cut them a break, but don't forget to let them know you matter too! 

Pisces Love Horoscope: So as of right now things with your significant other are not going so good. So its time to find someone else. I'M NOT SAYING THAT THIS MEANS YOU CHEAT! NO NO NO THAT IS WRONG AND I DO NOT CONDONE IT NOR DO I THINK IT IS RIGHT!!!! No what im saying is, is that you need to talk with your boyfriend/girlfriend and tell them you think it may be time to end things or at least take a little bit of a break for while. Try to find someone who appreciates you more. (AGAIN THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU GO AND CHEAT NAH! YOU GO AND TALK TO YOUR PARTNER AND SETTLE YOUR ISSUES!) 

Tip: Suggestion would be to look for honesty in you next partner.  


I hope you all enjoyed these!! I loved writing them and if you have any questions or need any advice do not hesitate to message me cause I am always here for you loves <3 :) 

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