The Signs As: What They Are In The Squad
Aries: The Squad Leader With Questionable Judgement
Taurus: The Squad Idiot
Gemini: The Squad Heart-Throb
Cancer: The Precious Cinnamon Roll (I LOVE THIS ONE)
Leo: Best Part Of The Squad tbh
Virgo: The Reason The Squad Still Exists
Libra: The Elephant In The Squad aka (no one knows why or how they're apart of the squad)
Scorpio: The One Who Has Dated Everyone In The Squad Including Themselves
Sagittarius: The Reason The Squad Is Dysfunctional
Capricorn: Satan (only because they think there better than god)
Aquarius:The Silent Squad Member
Pisces: Was Kicked Out Of The Squad Years Ago
Not to offend anyone!!
Zodiac Signs ❤️
Random~Zodiac Signs~ Some will be from Instagram and some will be my own and what I think in my opinion. ~I am not trying to offend anybody! I love you all! Enjoy the book :) ;)