The Signs:

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The Signs As: Love Horoscopes  {Leo-Scorpio} 

Leo Love Horoscope: If you're single right now, don't sweat it! The right person will come along, you just have to be patient. The right person will come along soon don't you worry! Be patient and the good guy will find you. It could take a day, a week or a month but do no worry because im telling you that one special person will come your way. Be on the look out for someone with a good personality and big curious eyes ;) 

Tip: Be outgoing to everyone you meet. (You never know who you'll run into) 

Virgo Love Horoscope: The relationship you're in is going through a little bit of a rough patch - and it is not your fault! Your significant other is being a bit moody or cranky with you and they tend to have a problem with admitting that they're wrong. Instead of pushing it on to them, be the bigger person by "starting fresh". Talk it out and just start a new. Buy your girlfriend flowers, or give your boyfriend a massage ;) ;) You know that your the bigger person so just try and work it out. Don't give up without a fight! 

Tip: Give your significant other some time to themselves for a little while. 

Libra Love Horoscope: Your relationship is now at the "Perfect Stage" but fair warning... Someone else is interested in your bae! watch out for the "big time flirts" . However; do not 'micro-manage'  your partner because they can make their own decisions and you do not want them to shy away from you. Instead, be helpful, caring and tell them how much you love them and that they mean a lot to you.

Tip: Help out you significant other as much as you can. Tell em you love em! :)  

Scorpio Love Horoscope: Honestly, you and your significant other are getting along pretty well, but things are getting pretty 'vanilla' lately. You need to have some sort of adventure or spice up your relationship somehow. To spice things up, try and do something new with them outside of your regular routines or  just do something unexpected with them! Always be passionate about the relationship you are in, just remember that you can not depend on him or her. You have to make an effort and so do they. 

Tip: Call or Text them after you read this <3 

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