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Don't hate me!

Jace POV:
Clary, Izzy, Alec, and Myself walk into Pandemonium, after Magnus told us about a pack of demons that planned to start a Massacre. So naturally, we took the call.

Problem is, they were Greeter Demons, meaning they anywhere.

We all shared a glance and nodded, walking in different directions. Izzy towards the dance floor, Alec upstairs, and Clary to the Rooftop, and Myself to the Bar. I disappeared into the crowd.

I sat myself down at the bar.
I scoped the general vicinity and then, I made eye contact with a women walking over to me, directly over to me.

She saw me. Which meant, she was one of the demons we were looking for.

"Hey, can I get you a drink?" She said her eyes glowing a slight purple.

"Sure." But I felt her motives were different as she inched closer and closer to my face.

I had a plan.

As she inched closer and our lips brushed and connected.

"Ahhhh" i knew that scream anywhere, it was Clary's when she first saw me kill a demon.

"We've got company" when we were in the Greenhouse.

Shake it off Jace, I said to myself as I delicately pulled my dagger out of my jacket pocket and inched it towards her.

"Aren't you tired?" Tired? "I've never been more awake" I answered chuckling.

I finally snapped myself out of it and pushed the dagger through her abdomen.

I wiped my blade of and slipped it back in my jacket pocket as I turned and went to the roof to help out Clary.

I reached the roof and saw a pile of demon dust.
'Damn, she works fast'

I looked around and didn't see her anywhere so I glanced down off the roof and saw her, running out the front door of Pandemonium.

Seeing that Alec had texted me, 'All Clear, head back' I jumped and chased her for miles until I caught her wrist. But I wished I hadn't, the pain evident in her eyes, the broken-hearted voice, it nearly broke me;

"How could you." And with that, she ran.

And I let her

It's been a week since it happened, she won't talk to me, or even let me explain.

I've already explained to Alec, Magnus, Simon, and a particularly pissed off Izzy what happened.

I wandered up to the Greenhouse and sat on the steps and remembered the first time me and Clary kissed.

How her lips felt against mine, how in that moment, I felt love for the first time. I felt love for her, a desire to keep her safe and never let her get hurt.

Look where that's gotten me.

Sighing, I wander up further to the hidden rooftop to clear my head.

And by clear my head, I mean punch a sizable dent in the wall.

My thoughts are interrupted by Izzy resting a hand on my shoulder.

"You know, if you want a hidden place to stay hidden, you have to keep quiet."  Instead of responding, I heave a huge sigh and invite her to continue. "I know how you get when your angry, so, don't talk it out, just vent." I appreciate her notion and begin pacing and cursing myself.

"God I'm such and ASSHOLE!!!"

"Jace..." She attempts to calm me down.

"She loved me of all people!!!! She is the most amazing person I've ever met and I SCREWED IT UP!!!!"

I looked to see Izzy still standing there with an unreadable expression.

"HOW COULD I BE SO STUPID!!!! I should've told her how much she means to me!!! I should've......I shoul......." I collapse to the ground breathing heavily to disguise the soft sobs.

Izzy takes this opportunity to rest a hand on my shoulder, "Jace, it's late, you haven't slept since it happened. At least head inside."


"NO! I'm done seeing you both mopping around. You're both miserable without each other. GO TALK TO HER."

"Izzy...she won't—"

"Trust me, she will. She hasn't slept either."

Realizing Izzy won't let this go, I head down the hallway to Clary's room.

I knock twice and she opens the door, sees me, and attempts to shut it again. But not before I slip my hand in, pushing it open.

"Clary, I can't do this anymore, what happened at Pandemonium, that was a demon, she got close, and I went along to kill her."

Silence, and another failed attempt at shutting the door.

"I can't sleep, I can't eat, and I can't keep from thinking that I'm going to lose you. The one thing I promised wouldn't happen. I can't bear to even try to relax without wishing you were in my arms, safe."

Her expression softens a bit and I try one last time.

"Come on! Say something! Stop leaving me to wonder in silence, say my name, say something!! Anything!!!!  I can't do this without—"

And with that, her lips are on mine. Sadly, just as soon they retreat back.

"Jace, I can't do this alone either."

I place my hands on her cheeks and stare into her eyes.

"I'm so sorry I caused you this much pain." I whisper gently. And pull her lips to mine, soon it becomes a battle of who wants, no, needs it more.

After awhile, we pull away and I whisper in her ear, "please come back to my room, the bed is cold without you."she chuckles.

"I'd love nothing more."

We join hands and head to my room. As we lay down, she snuggles her head under my chin.

Oh how I've missed my angel.

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