Chapter 10

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Sarah sat bolt upright, her hair sticking up in odd places and still half asleep but she recognised that voice. She ran to the door; her heart pounding and a smile that lit up her face. She swung open the door and there stood Hoggle, Sir Dydimus (With Ambrocious) and Ludo.

"Hoggle! Sir Dydimus, and Ambrocious! I have missed you so much!!" She hugged them both at the same time, as she felt a happiness she hadn't felt for a long time.
"How have you been? What have you been doing?" Sarah asked, a thousand questions racing through her mind.
"Well, not much has changed since you left Sarah, but with the war an' all, we have had to go into hidin'" Hoggle replied walking into her bedroom. Sarah beckoned the others in and closed the door behind her, waiting to hear each ones story. Although she'd had time with Ludo, she had been preoccupied with what had been happening at the Labyrinth.

Jareth watched the door close, but he stayed in the shadows. Sarah had been so happy to see them, and the way that she had hugged them caused his heart to tug a little. It seemed almost impossible that she would ever hug him or let alone see him as not her enemy.
"Sire?" A goblin asked timidly, it's helmet clanging against its head. Jareth turned to look at it and sighed, his face full of pure annoyance.
"What is it?"
"Well, sire, the others are asking... When are the plans to retaliate to the attack we had?" Jareth looked back to the door for a second then back to the goblin.
"Summon all the leaders to the map room and I will be there shortly." The king replied sharply and watched as the shaking wreck bowed and ran out of the room. He sighed and looked back at the door. He couldnt afford to be distracted at such a delicate time but he couldnt help it. After what had felt like an eternity of being alone, he had the small ray of light to his happiness and the anwsers to his problems. Lately, the kingdom had been failing. More and more creatures had passed through the Labyrinth without too much difficulty. It had been like Jareth's emotions had affected how the Labyrinth was, and without Sarah, nothing seemed to ever work. He had told himself over and over again that she was just a human girl with no meaning or significance to anything. Just someone he wouldve played with and not cared about at all. But that wasnt true. No matter how many times he had told himself that, her face seemed to be imprinted in his mind. Especially the vision of the ball, where she was dressed in a beautiful gown and, for a few moments, became lost in his eyes. It was just perfect. Jareth allowed himself a small smile but then he set his face to his usual stern expresion and left the shadows to head for the map room.

Sarah smiled as her friends finished their story. Although thet had been in hiding, they had been able to save some others in the Labyrinth, like the catapillar and the hunch-backs at the junk yard as well as others. However, they never forgot her and always waited to see if she was going to come back to them.
"So my-lady, what have you been doing with your time out of the Labyrinth?" Sir Didymus asked her, his snout high in the air.
"Well, I have been working on my school work and being with my friends there. And... That is it, apart from looking after my brother, who is doing well." Sarah said, thinking of anything else in her life of any significance.
"What about Jareth? Why are you here?" Hoggle asked, his voice slightly bitter as he mentioned the goblin kings name.
"He has been kind Hoggle, we are staying here to try and help the Labyrinth in any way we can while we are here." She said, trying to make sure she gave none of her feelings for Jareth away. She knew how her friends would react and how against the idea it would be.

"Well, we shall visit you everyday my-lady but you must understand that we cannot be here all the time, We must help the other back in our camp."
"Ludo, help, army." Ludo said sadly, looking at Sarah with sad eyes. Ludo had been joined to the army due to his powers with the rocks and his enormous size. She took hold of Hoggle's hand and nodded, a wave of sadness crashing over her.
"I understand... Do you want to meet my friends that are here?" Sarah asked, getting off the bed and moving towards the bed.
"Yes of course! We must meet the fair maidens who have accompanied you here my-lady. Come along Ambroscious!" Sir Dydimus called his faithful companion. Ambrocious lifted his head of the floor, where he had been snoring quietly for the last half an hour they had been there. Snorting slightly, he lifted his head and walked over to Sir Dydimus. Sarah opened the door and let them all through.

They were out in the corridor when a voice filled the room.
"Ludo, you are needed in the map room to plan the next attack."
Jareth leaned out of the shadows and watched Ludo bow his head.
"Ludo, must, go."
Ludo walked off towards Jareth and they left the corridor shoulder to arm. Sarah noticed, despite his hard exterior, he respected each one of his soldiers.
"My-Lady?" Sir Dydimus asked, watching Sarah watch Ludo and Jareth walk away.
"He'll be alright, won' he?" Hoggle asked, standing beside Sarah. Only then did she notice she had grown a little. With Jareth being so tall and intimidating, Ludo being so large and the girls always being around she hasn't noticed how much she had grown over the year.

'The girls!'Sarah thought as she remembered what she was originally going to do.
"Come on, I will show you to the girls." Sarah told them leading them down the corridor in the opposite direction.


As it was the 10th chapter I wanted to make it longer. Sorry I haven't updated I have been in Cornwall. Thoughts so far? Likes or dislikes?

All comments are welcome

Charlie xxx

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