Chapter 15

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Jareth paced the dinning hall which had been layer with the finest silver, crystal glasses and an array of floating candles.
"Please stop pacing Jareth." Drake moaned whilst fiddling with a crisp, white napkin. Jareth sat down for a moment, then got up and started to pace.
"I need this to go well."
"If you had told them before hand you might not be so nervous." Drake replied snootily.
"If I had told them, they might not have come. I can't take that chance."

A goblin scurried in an announced that 'the ladies are entering." Jareth nodded allowing the goblin to leave. Drake got up out of his seat and walked next to Jareth. The double doors opened and three girls walked out looking beautiful only Jareth saw one girl. He blinked several times as Sarah glided out into the room, the light catching on the silver chain around her neck and the silver in her hair. She was perfect, better than Jareth could've imagined. It was like the light glowed around her, his angel.

"What the hell are you wearing?!" This snapped Jareth out of his daze, looking at Drake. He was staring at Gloria who was, Not wearing a dress.
"Was there something wrong with the dresses?" Jareth asked, trying to keep his voice even. Gloria smirked, folded her arms and walked up to the boys. "This is as good as your going to get. Take it or leave it." Jareth raised an eyebrow, shook his head once and motioned to the table. Drake's mouth hung open as Gloria swaggered to her seat.
"Jareth, you can't be serious! With them coming tonight-" Jareth cut Drake off by raising his hand. Sarah walked over to the seat next to Jareth's. He walked over to her chair and helped her into her seat. A nearby goblin helped Lottie, who was wearing an off the shoulder deep blue dress with silver lace, into her seat.

After a few moments of silence Gloria asked, "So was there a reason for all the fancy outfits?" Jareth put down his fork and nodded. "Do you remember the high elves I told you about?" Sarah nodded, watching Jareth intently.
"They are coming for the next two courses and should be here soon."
"What?!" Sarah's eyes bulged, as she rose from her seat. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" Jareth put his hand on hers, which was still resting on the table, to try and sooth her.
"I didn't want to worry you, also I need you to be here to help me convince them to join us." Sarah narrowed her eyes at the king.
"You didn't want to give me the choice to not come." Jareth began to protest when a goblin came scurrying in.

"His Royal Majesty, The High King of the Elven Court, King Aragon and Her Royal Majesty, Queen Victoire." It paused to open the door and a pair of graceful elves walked through, their heads held high.
"His Royal Highness, High Prince Elvador." A gorgeous prince with dark hair and chocolate eyes waltzed in. Sarah looked dazed then raised an eyebrow at the arrogance that surrounded him. She looked down at Jareths hand, which had tightened around hers slightly. She smiled and leant over to him.
"I can't feel my hand." He looked at Elvador, then at Sarah who was smiling at him, then loosened his grip but made sure his hand stayed on hers.

Lottie stared at the prince who was everything a girl would dream a prince was. Everyone raised from their seats so she followed suit. The royals bowed and took their seats, only Elvador sat in the seat next to Sarah. A pang of jealousy ran through Lottie, why was it that attractive men seemed to be attracted to her? She won't deny that Jareth and Sarah are perfect for each other but Jareth was still pretty hot. She looked at Gloria who was looking at Drake with a mixture of hatred and curiosity. She sighed and looked at Jareth who announced that it was time to eat.
"So Drake, how is your brother treating you?" Queen Victoire asked. Drake smirked then looked at Jareth who raised an eyebrow.
"The king has been most gracious whilst I have been here." Sarah put down her fork shocked, and the other girls weren't that far behind her.
"Your Jareth's brother?" Asked Sarah, looking across the table.
"You're surprised my lady?" He asked smirking. Sarah rolled her eyes and continued with her food.

"So this is the human girl?" King Aragon finally spoke. Jareth went to speak but Sarah interrupted him.
"Yes, I am Sarah. It is a pleasure to meet you your highness." Sarah said to the king. Jareth smirked at the Kings surprised reaction. It was uncommon for women to speak their minds in this world.
"I like her, she has... Something." Elvador said, winking at Sarah. She looked at him and made a noise of disgust. Jareth smirked at the prince and continued to eat. Gloria nudged Lottie and whispered, "Hey, I think that prince has a thing for Sarah." Lottie nodded absent minded.
"Jareth doesn't look to happy." Lottie observed haughtily. Gloria looked at her friend confused. "Are you okay?"
"In fine! Just peachey."
After they finished the dinner, the Elves excused themselves to retire.

"Good night Your highness, Drake, Ladies," he paused for a minute to take Sarah's hand. "My lady." He then walked out the room. Jareth glared at him from the moment he took Sarah's hand until the moment he left the room.
"Creep." Sarah muttered, wiping her hand on the napkin. Jareth chuckled and put his arm around her bare shoulders, since the sleeves of the dress rested on her upper arms.
"Isn't he just." He muttered. Gloria, taking the subtle hint from the king, tugged at Drake and Lottie's sleeves.
"Come on guys, we need to discuss what is going to happen tomorrow." Reluctantly, the two followed Gloria out of the room leaving Jareth and Sarah alone.

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