Chapter 31

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"Sarah?" The question swarm around her head, but this is a new voice. Her eyes flutter open, to see blonde hair and ligth eyes that pierce her emerald ones. 

"Jareth?" She mumbles. 

"Hey baby, I'm here." He squeezes her hand, sitting on the edge of the bed. Sarah begins to sit up slowly, Jareth's hands wrapped around her shoulders helping her up. 

"How long was I out?" Sarah asks, rubbing a hand through her hair, looking around her bedroom. Everything seems the same apart from a tray on the bedside table. On it is a small glass of water and small crust of bread. Sarah greedily grabbed the bread, shoving it into her mouth, savouring each bite of the wonderful taste she had missed so much.

"I'm guessing you where hungry?" Jareth chuckles, placing one hand on the back of her neck, straoking it gentle with his thumb. Sarah gulped down the water, letting it flow down her neck and into her stomach. 

"Is there any more?" Sarah asks, setting the glass down on the tray, wiping the crumb away from her mouth. Jareth shakes his head, causing Sarah's face to fall slightly. 

"Sarah you where out because you were malnourished. We need to make sure we get you back on the right food slowly." Sarah nods, running a hand through her hair, suddenly feeling incredibly self conscious. Jareth looked at her, running one of his hands through her hair before cupping ehr cheek. 

"You're still as beautiful as I remember." She blushed and hid in her hair. He lifted her head with a finger, so his eyes were locked onto hers. 

"Do you know what I kept thinkig while I was in that coma?" Sarah shook her head, feeling his fingers intertwine with hers.

"I was trying to get out so badly. I could hear everyone but they couldnt hear me. And when you came... I just wanted to hug you, tell you that I loved you and you are the only thing that matters to me. So I kept fighting, because I knew I had to get back to you. That I wasn't quite sure if I could make it not knowing how you were feeling or even seeing you! There were so many times..." A small tear trickles down his face. "Sometimes, I just wanted to give up. To stop fighting and just die. Sometimes I just wished that the Gods would take me but they didnt. It was like my own personal form of torture." Sarah wipes away a tear and put her hand against his face to wipe the falling tears from his eyes. 

"I tried to be strong. Now, we dont need to try." She pauses to take his hand in hers, shuffling a little closer so their faces were inches apart. "I thought you were dead Jareth, now, I dont want to spend a single moment apart from you." He smiled, looking into her beautiful eyes, letting himself get lost in them. There was one thing for sure, he could never let her go. He was in too deep and for too long to consider not being with her. 

"Sarah I love." He whispered, putting every emotion he had into those three words. Sarah's heart began to perform a circus routine. 

"I love you too." She half whispered, half laughed at her. That was when Jareth pressed his lips onto hers, feeling nothing but love and passion running through his veins. She felt his arms move around her, pulling her softly so she was sitting on his lap with no space inbetween them. Everything was Jareth and everything was Sarah. That was the case until the door burst open and the two girls jumped on them hugging and squealing. 

"What the-Oh PILE ON!" Drake's voice came from the door, until extra weight was added on to the growin pile of people on Sarah and Jareth.  Sarah tried to laugh but with an elbow pushing into her side it was kind of hard.

"Can't... breath!" Jareth yelled, causing everyone to jump off until Sarah and Jareth pulled themselves up. 

"Guess what the Sprites can send us home!" Lottie burst out, her voice happy and full of longing. Sarah looked at Jareth who had fear written across his face. Sarah sighed but knew in her heart what the answer was. She couldn't leave him, not because of guilt, but because she was in love with him. Before, she never knew what true love was, but now.... She had a feeling that no one else could even compare to the way the Goblin King made her feel. 

"Lottie, I am staying here." Lottie opened her mouth to say something but before she could Sarah interuptted. "I know what it means I will leave behind, but I have to think about what could happen if I do go. Jareth wasn't in the coma for very long and look what happened." Her voice caught at the end, causing Jareth to immediatly but his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. Lottie nodded, looking at the both of them. If there were two people who were meant to be together, it was them. But she wanted to go home. No matter how much she had enjoyed her time here, she didnt belong here. She belonged in the world of technology and family and... Normal. The word made her think of home, and how much she missed it. 

"Gloria, are you going to be coming?" Lottie asked, turning to her other friend. Gloria looked at Drake, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She then looked at Jareth and raised an eyebrow, causing him to nod slightly. 

"I'm sorry Lottie, I couldnt go even if I wanted to." She told her friend, causing everyone to look at her confused apart from Jareth who had a look of pure amusment on his face. 

"Why not?" Drake asked, looking at the small women in his arms. 

"Drake, she isn't human." 

"What?!" He yelled, as shock mirrowed everyones face. 

"My full name is Gloriana Slevern Duerst. I was princess of Aslxer until all of my people were wiped out by the Deamons infested in those lands. Only me and my Grandmother managed to escape. We fled to the human world, and I had to fit it.

"So was that why you were so... Powering?" Sarah suggested, trying to be careful how she said it as not to offend her friend. Gloria just laughed. "You mean why I was such an ass? Yeah, being brought up as a princess makes you a bit different." Drake couldnt help but smile as his girlfriend. Not only would she be staying with him, she was also a princess.

"How did you know?" Sarah whispered looking up at Jareth. He smiled, kissing her forehead.

"You can usually tell a princess when you see one. I confronted her about it, and she told me. What she didnt know was that many of her people survived and I am going to reunite them with their lost princess." Sarah nodded, realising she wasnt going to be alone... But Lottie was. Sarah got up off the bed, and ran to hug Lottie.Lottie felt the tears flowing down her cheeks, as she felt her friends embrace. 

"I am never going to forget you." She whispered into Sarah's hair, when a mumble of "Oh what the hell." And Gloria was soon hugging both of them. Jareth and Drake shared a knowing look before leaving the room only to bump into one of the Sprites. 

"Is Miss Lottie ready yet?" She asked, folding her hands together. 

"Give them a minute." Jareth told her, before leaving to the throne room muttering to Drake that 'If he had messed up his kingdom he was going to scorch his ass." 

"If you ever forget us I think I will come and personally put you on your ass!" Gloria yelled, despite the tears flowing down her face. The girls giggled before breaking away to form a small circle. 

"I love you guys." Sarah muttered, linking their pinky fingers together. 

"Best friends forever right?" Lottie mumbled, trying to smile at her friends. They all nodded before hugging again. The door opened and the Sprite floated in smiling.

"It is time." 

"Bye guys." Lottie choked out, before leaving the room, her heart full of hope and a raging sadness that never left her once. Despite the fact when she got back she made new friends, found a guy and never saw Gloria and Sarah again, she never forgot either of them. 

"Mum!!" Lottie looked up from her desk, to see Phil run down the stairs. 

"Dad won't let me go out!" Lottie sighed before putting down her pen, annoyed she hadnt managed to finish her 'fiction story.' 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello!! NOT THE END of the story but I think there will be one more chapter to finish it off. Ahhh sadness:( Thank you for the comments and reads and I am really sorry about the weird formatting thing at the end. I think my laptop is having a midlife crisis:s okay so the last chapter may be a little time because of school and stuff but I will definatly finish it!

Charlie xxx

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