Chapter 24

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Jareth stood up causing the room to go silent. Sarah's stomach knotted as the moment she had been both dreading and waiting for. Everyone put their cutlery down and looked at Jareth as he cleared his throat.
"I have an announcement."
"Obviously." Gloria muttered under her breath.
"It is my pleasure to announce that I am, I am courting the most beautiful woman in the world Sarah." He took Sarah's hand and sat back down as certain people, not looking at the young women opposite Sarah, exploded.

"When were you going to tell us?!" Gloria yelled, leaving her seat to hug Sarah and then Jareth.
"Congrats you guys!" Lottie hugged Sarah and Jareth as well leaving Drake to chuckle into his green soup causing Gloria to give him what's known as the 'Death Glare.'
"Congratulations your majesty." The high Elven king nodded in approval while his queen merely nodded and carried on eating. The meal continued quite slowly as questions where asked and answered.

"How did he ask?"
"Why weren't we told sooner?"
"Where will you sleep?" I will leave you to guess who asked most of those questions.

After dinner, Jareth and Sarah were left in the room. He reached over the table and held her hand comfortingly.
"It wasn't that bad..." Sarah laughed and squeezed his hand back. "They want to know of we were going to get married and sleep in the same room. They freaked out okay!" Sarah chuckled. Jareths face turned dark slightly, causing Sarah's heart to stop. "What's up?" He sighed, moved his chair closer to hers and draped an arm around her.
"It's politics, war, boring things." He teased.
"Tell me." Sarah smiled, causing Jareth to raise an eyebrow slightly.

"Well, our sources tell us that the sprites have been attacked on route and not many are going to make it here but we can't afford to send out extra troops. Also..." He trailed off, his face becoming unreadable. She nudged him slightly as she rubbed his arm. "Also..?" He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair.

"Orcs have been spotted near our border." Sarah's heart dropped. "There are guards patrolling the castle but... If there is a surprise attack... I'm scared Sarah." Sarah considered this, and knew it was stupid to ask why as it was obvious. He was worried he wouldn't be able to protect her. That something will happen to either of them.
"I'm scared too. But no matter what, we're in this together. No quitting out. Promise?" She asked. He smiled and rested his head against hers, his eyes never leaving hers. "Promise." Sarah blushed slightly and felt his lips on hers. She didn't want them to invade, she wanted to be left alone with no one but them. She wanted them to run away from all responsibilities and live together where no one can find them.

'I have already done that though.' She thought as Jareth walked her to her room. They agreed it would seem very improper considering the short amount of time they had been courting.
Sarah went inside her room and found the guys, who agreed for her courting the goblin king.
"But, if he ever hurts ya, I'm going to kill him." Hoggle told her. Sarah agreed to that term and waited for them to all fall asleep before sneaking out. She went to the garden with the roses, fountain and where Jareth gave her his jacket, she found it was called the rose garden. She went straight to the fountain and took out a pearl she had hidden in her pocket. The water rippled when the pearl splashed against the water.

"Show me what will happen if I choose to stay here." The water rippled into an image of her father, stepmother and Toby standing in the doorway of their house with a police officer outside. Sarah listened to what the policeman said.
"I'm terribly sorry. Due to her body being in the ocean, it is unlikely it will be found." Her father choked down a sob to splutter out, "Is there any way she could...?" The officer shook his head when the image rippled again to change the scene. It showed the cemetery where he mother was buried, next to her grave stone there was a new one. It was made of smooth marble with the words:

'Sarah Grange
A loving daughter, sister and dreamer
She is dreaming in a better place'

A tear slipped down Sarah's face as she saw her father place a small tiger Lilly at both graves. He knelt beside them both, his hair greyer, eyes cold with no spark that was always there. "My girls, why both of you?" He choked out while he placed a hand on Sarah's grave. Sarah leaned over the water, hot tears streaming down her face.

"I'm here dad, daddy I'm here." She whispered as the scene changed again. It was off the graves again but after a long time. A young man placed flowers down at her grave. "I hope you can hear me Sarah, I talk to you often enough." Sarah realised it was Toby. Older, taller and with a strong voice. He looked like his mum but his eyes were bright blue like her dads.

"It's dad... He isn't getting better, I know there is nothing anyone can do for him. Ever since you went, he wanted to find you. I have watched him grow old with sorrow, but there was one time." He smiled down at the grave. "We found sir Lancelot, and me and dad played for hours with him." He chuckled with tears in his eyes. Sarah laughed with him, wanting to see him. Wanting to watch him grow to the man he has become. "Anyway, it's just... I just want to know if you ever left us? Are you looking down on us or still dreaming off into a fairytale?" He tapped her grave and then the water rippled so all at was left was Sarah's tear soaked reflection.

"I'm here. I'm here Toby." She whispered running her fingers through the water, trying to get closer to the brother she may never see. She looked around at the beautiful garden, the tears slowly stopping. So many things she would never see or do. Never get a college degree, never get hammered and walk home at 2 am... Never get walked down the isle by her dad. Never see her brother grow up, watch him become a man. So many never's. Sarah walked back to her room slowly, her heart aching like something had been ripped out of her. Suddenly, alarm bells started ringing and soldiers began running down the corridor!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello you lovely people! Wow, what did you think? I wanted to show what Sarah always wanted to know. I suggest reading this listening to 'Wherever you will go' by Charlene Soraia because that's what I listened to when I wrote it.Okay I have taken up way too much time so bye!

Charlie xxx

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