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"Come stop your crying,
It will be alright,
Just take my hand,
Hold it tight,
I will protect you from,
All around you,
I will be here
Don't you cry"

Every day she slaves away at a job she hates
Can't wait till the clock hits 8 so she can stop for the day
Make her way to her car that likes to stop every day
So now she has to sit and wait for a tow truck and an Uber that are two different distances away
Her baby is at daycare and has been all day
The caretaker is calling her phone but she already knows everything that lady is gonna say
"You're late!"
"We're gonna have to charge you extra for the day"
But there's nothing she can say, bitch wouldn't hear it anyway
She scoops her baby and pays the lady
Making her way back out to the Uber so they can make their way home already
Soon as she walks in the house her phone starts to ring already
She answers it, it's her baby daddy sounding drunk and all ready
To argue spewing obscenities and insults all heavy
She hangs up the phone not knowing why he even calls
She never asks him for anything
Not even child support for a child he never supports
He doesn't come over often and when he does he stands on the porch never venturing further than the door
Just to be loud and brings his new bitch around sporting things she could never afford
Fuck him tho
She runs her baby's bathwater getting it ready for her bug
Puts bubbles in it knowing thats what her daughter enjoys
She undresses her and places her in the tub and begins to sing songs from the movie her bug loves and washes her up

"For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us,
Can't be broken,
I will be here
Don't you cry"

Bath times done she gives her clothes
And some rice and corn they had from the night before
She puts her in bed and closes the door before going to her own room kicking a few things around on the floor
She sinks to her bed
Finally allowing herself to think about everything thats been swimming around in her head
She stays so strong for her baby
Never cries in front of her baby
Holds her self high like a lady to instill a sense of pride in her baby
But when she's alone that facade is all gone
She's unhappy with the direction her life's gone
She's been unhappy for so long
Where has her life gone
Why is everything going so wrong
Why can't she find piece in her own home
Why can't he just leave her alone
Why cant she feed her daughter foods that would require them to throw away bones
Why can't the same car she drives to work take her home
Why ca....
Her thoughts interrupted by a small touch
Her daughter's out her room, crept out of bed and climbed in hers
With a rag she must have picked up from the floor
Wiping away her mothers tears as if saying mommy don't cry no more.

"Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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