Love's A Loaded Gun: A Jack Mercer story

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Chapter 1

"Taylor, I'm scared. "

"It will be ok, Lilly. Big brother is here. I'll protect you, I promise. "

I look into those beautiful emerald eyes of my older brother as held me tightly in his arms. We were in our bathroom on the floor as his foot was keeping the door shut. The banging on the other side hasn't stop. I continued to cry a stream of tears.

"Shhh shhh, don't cry Lilly. Please don't cry."

Taylor kept pleading as my cries were turning silent but the tears kept coming. I buried my face into his shoulder as the banging continue and our father's drunken yells grew louder and louder. With each loud noise my body would jump in fear of the door breaking.

My brother kissed the top of my head and softly started singing the song when these nights happen.

"A last fire will rise behind those eyes

Black house will rock, blind boys don't lie

Immortal fear, that voice so clear

Through broken walls, that scream I hear

Cry, little sister

Come to your brother

Unchain me, sister

Love is with your brother."

As my brother's voice carried threw the space my eyelids became heavy. Either it was from the hours of tears or the comfort of Taylor's singing. If I was ready or not sleep was calling my name, and it had my brother's voice.



Right in front of me was a hand waving and just like that I was back at this depressing place.

"What do you want Stacy." I said with bitterness in my voice.

"Just making sure you're still on planet earth. Now let me finish your paperwork and I'll take you to the orphanage. "

"Don't rush yourself. " Stacy was my social worker and very upbeat that turns annoying fast. I've been living to foster home after foster home since I was fourteen.

Families would adopt me because I was so well behaved, then return me because I was too unsettling. I never spoke, interact, or do much. I ran so much my last home put bars on my windows to keep me in, but it didn't work and I was in Stacy's care again.

I was deep in my thoughts until I heard Stacy's perky voice again.

"Well hello Mrs. Mercer. How have you been?"

I looked up to see a older woman with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm doing just fine hun, just dropping off some paperwork of the boys."

"How are those boys of your's doing?"

"Oh keeping me busy, that's for sure. And who is this beautiful young lady"

The woman looked over at me with that same censer smile on her face. Stacy followed her eyes and spoke.

"This is Lilith Paterson." Mrs. Mercer held out her hand towards me and I slowly took it and gave her a small handshake.

"That is a beautiful name. " I silently replied a thank you as her and Stacy continue to talk.

"Mind if I see her record? " I heard the older woman spoke. She opened my file which I have to admit was pretty thick. Showing all my bad reports and police records. I watched carefully at the woman waiting for her expression to turn. But that smile never left her face.

She handed the file back to Stacy. "Do you think I could bring miss Paterson underneath my wing? " she said giving me a wink.

I didn't think it was possible but Stacy's smile grew larger "that sounds like an idea worth trying. "

I looked at the two women and wonder what road has life showed me this time.

{authors note: So please send me some feedback since this is my first story. Thank you for reading hope you enjoy it}

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